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What does communism cost us?

August 11, 2022

I've started to cast out more ghosts lately! Those heretics and evil spirit churches hold on for the heavy punishments! It just happened to be the lunar ghost month recently, everyone should be careful of big ghosts and little ghosts scurrying around us! Once a ghost enters the heart, it is very difficult to drive it out! The devil is the father of lies. Once the devil enters our hearts, we will be deeply dominated by lies, and we will not be able to escape from the devil's lies until we die! Judas is a very good example. Judas betrayed Jesus and he died of suicide, but he did not ask God for forgiveness. Why? Because Judas was ruled by the devil until his death! The devil must be seriously chased! Hurry up! Hurry up! The devil loves idiots like Judas! Because idiots are not only slaves to the devil when they are alive, but they are also under the control of the devil even after they die. They look for substitutes everywhere in life and death! So once the devil enters your heart, even if you die, you still belong to the devil, which is why the gate of hell opens in the seventh month of the lunar calendar! The devil can come out and find more imps to use!

The devil is the father of "lie"! All liars belong to the devils! Why is "lie" so scary? We often hear that "3 people become a tiger"! When one person told you has a tiger in the street and you won't believr, and second person, thrid person are told the same story. You will think and believe that, that is fake news media did a lot! And that a lie becomes the truth after being told 100 times. These are the terrible things about lies! "Lies" are never "truths", but our world lies always replacing truth! It's not that God changes the truth, it's that we would rather believe a lie than follow that lied truth! There is a price to pay for following the truth, but there is a immediately benefits to following the lie! That's why Judas betrayed Jesus! Why do so many people like to cross the road at a red light, because they don't want to waste time waiting for the green light! "Lies" need more people and spread lies the most! Because only a lot of lies, a lot of people agree, and lies can have power! The powers of "lie" and "devil" are given by man! The more people believe a lie, the more powerful the lie! The more people believe in the devil, the better the devil can control people! The truth of the lie is like the real existence of the devil! There are many people who have been smearing communism, they have been defending capitalism, especially those who claim to be Christians! Let me tell you the truth about "$0 buy shopping". This is the truth I just discovered. In fact, I have also been brainwashed and used!

(Hosea 14:9) Who is wise, and he shall understand these things? prudent, and he shall know them? for the ways of the LORD are right, and the just shall walk in them: but the transgressors shall fall therein.~ The book of Hosea has a lot of important information, but I don't have much time to share it with you, because there is so much information in the Bible, I can only share a little bit every day, I think it will be difficult for me to share all this information in my life! I don't read the saliva scriptures! I always read the Bible by myself, and then the Holy Spirit reveals to me, the message that the Holy Spirit wants to give you! I am just a vessel used by God! You can see that I don't start sharing scriptures until the second paragraph of my article, and each article is about 7 paragraphs! I write articles and videos and never make a draft, I check and post when I'm done! Because I don't have much time, I don't have time to retake the video, and it's all done in one go, no drafts! Only write scriptures to share! The wise are the only people who can stand firm and live well in our world now! Because there are too many devils and too many lies in our world! And what are the wise and the wisdom peolpe? The only distinction between the wise and the wisdom people is based on "the upright"! Only the righteous can defeat the devil! The upright are the wise people, the "righteous" in God's heart! Only the righteous can stand firm before God!

Yesterday my friend and I argued about "communism"! He said: I am American and I will never accept communism! I asked: what's so bad about communism? He said: I grew up in capitalism! You don't have to tell me about communism because I will never accept communism! I said: Good! Then I want to ask you: Do you know where the resources in the United States are? Why do we have inflation? Why is our energy so expensive? Why do government debts become our debts? I recently double checked my debts - all caused by the government! I have to pay high internet bills, property taxes, energy bills, and ever-rising car insurance! I haven't counted the interest payments on those borrowings, which are enough to kill me! I rarely go grocery shopping now, I go out to pick wild vegetables, but I don't spend money on food, and I still spend nearly $2,000 a month! Are there oil fields in the US? Does the US have natural gas? Why is the Internet in the US so expensive? Why do US insurance costs keep rising? Because these involve the interests of the consortium!

Trump is the most lied person in the world! What energy independence? How much natural gas does the US export? Does money go into people's pockets? Why does the U.S. keep wars a lot? Because only wars can create more consortium interests! The government uses our taxes to support ~space and high-tech businesses! Support military enterprises! Support various medical expenses and insurance industry! The Fed does not belong to the government at all, these belong to the consortium! And Wall Street is like a consortium! What do Americans have? Americans have never-endless debts! If the government has no money, it just raises taxes and prints money! Can the government sell oil from private companies' fields for a profit? Can the government profit from the private sector's electricity grid and gas? The production of oil fields and the construction of power grids are supported by the government, but the real profit is the private consortium! Maybe politicians work with consortia, so Republicans and Democrats support different companies, and they benefits from different companies! Are we still believing Trump's lies? "Energy independence" is a lie and a joke! The US government will never be able to touch the "rich groups' cheese"! Because the rich control American wealth, they also control American politics! This is the result of "official business collusion"!

Many Americans are afraid of communism because they are afraid that communism will turn their private property into government property! In fact, this is another lie of the capitalists! Capitalists use people's fear and selfishness to spread untrue lies! I have been deceived all the time! Until God told me: Why do I have to support communism? My friend said: we need a revolution! I asked: Who led the revolution? Trump? He will never take the lead because he is working for the capitalists! This needs to be explained slowly! Trump wants revolution and he did revolution 2years ago! And the only asset we can snatch back to America from the capitalists is "Communism"! Only communism will allow us to reclaim United State's assets without ever being in debts! Now the US government needs to steal money from the poor, because they can't touch the properties of the rich at all, and the government cannot make laws that are harmful to the rich people's rights! How can rich people support politicians - let politicians make laws to deprive them of their property? But they can make politicians take away our properties whatever they wanted! Unlimited tax hikes, unlimited interest rate hikes, unlimited viruses, unlimited support for vaccines...because all our wealth, including our government, belongs to the rich groups!

California's most famous is "$0 buy shopping"! Let's think about a question: Who is hurt by $0 buy shopping? Of course the businesses! But criminals go shopping for $0 buy, who is going to rob poor communities? Rich people have police and personal bodyguards to protedct them so they don't need to worry about crimenals, only poor need to worry about crimes. And $0 buy no crimenals don't waste time in poor area. We fear now: our property is confiscated by communism! We have to be rich enough for the government to take the time to confiscate our property. If we don’t have enough property at all, it will take time and effort for the government to confiscate our property! Communism gives the government the power to confiscate the property of those big corporations and conglomerates! Our government can run with money, without big corporations! All the officials we have elected now are supported by big companies. They are bound to work hard for big companies, or they will soon be cut off from their fortunes! The US government is out of money now! So the US government has been robbing beggars for food! Why not raise taxes on the rich? Why raise a tax on the poor? Why keep raising interest rates? Why keep increasing the land tax for small households? These are all grabbing food from the poor's rice bowls! We must give the government the "power to shop at $0"! The only thing that can allow the government to snatch consortiums and corporate assets, get back American oil fields, get back American natural gas, and get back our power grids, we don't need to use taxpayer money to support military-industrial enterprises, high-tech, and the stupid space force! What we need more is that everyone can live and work in peace and contentment on this land! Only by taking back the resources that God has given us on our land, God has not given the resources to a few people! Rather, we have been deceived into allowing these corporations and consortia to rob us of our resources, and to enslave each of us! We have God's resources, and we simply live better without Americans work hard till died to retire! We can enjoy the beauty of the world more! Thank God! (Don't believe lies, think for yourself!)

***No any one can save us, but only God can save us. Whatever God said that we just need to follow and do. Don't believe liars pastors and politicans!