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What is really Gospel?

April 1, 2022

          Yesterday I said to an old sister: I don’t like Christians talking nonsense and criticizing others casually. I don’t criticize you, it doesn’t mean I’m wrong, but God didn’t set me up as a judge. I’m not qualified to criticize others, but I found that many Christians like to criticize others, and they are deceitful and fearful of evil. The more you ignore them, the more self-righteous they become! Christians are not rooted in God's word, but only use criticism and abuse to highlight their ignorance. This really shames God! I told the old sister: If I say wrong God judge me, it should have been! It is the same that you are wrong and that God judges you. We should all accept God's judgment. Only God is the Lord of totally rightousness! I don't like that many Christians are self-righteous and criticize others! We are Christians, we are not members of the Clash Congress, Christians are not Nazis! Please! Be rooted in biblical truth and don't use your knowledge of gossip to criticize others! Christians, stop criticizing others with your ignorant gossip!

          I studied to class quite late yesterday! After watching a video, I have been thinking about a question: If you are a Christian, what do you use to preach the gospel? What do you have that the world needs? Many Christians don't even understand the Bible! There are also many pastors who don't understand the Bible at all, and just preach randomly! They have no idea that Jesus is the Passover Lamb, and they are still talking nonsense in their own right! They don't even know what the salvation of Jesus is. Who wants to follow you with this kind of Christianity, this kind of Christian? Being with you is like entering a gossip paradise, eating, drinking and waiting to die! The video asks: The world is richer than you, has more powerful, is more capable and younger than you, why do they believe you?  Why should I listen to your gospel? As you can only say: gossip and criticize others?

         Jesus is only one rabbi for Christians! Remember, Jesus is only one rabbi for all Christians! Not every pastor is your rabbi! Because there are too many antichrists now! We must recognize only one rabbi!  (Matthew 10:24) The disciple is not above his master, nor the servant above his lord.~Jesus told us that a student cannot be above his teacher! If we take an Antichrist as our teacher, we will only be worse than them! This explains why Christianity is getting more and more corrupt now!

        How can you tell if the church you follow is true Christianity? Only true Christians are truly blessed! There are many people who are richer than me, have more powerful, and are more capable than me, but I only have one most special gift, and God has given me a special gift~ I can tell you the way to be blessed! The most important thing for us to become Christians is - We need the way of blessing! A Christian who is not blessed, you don't have to be a Christian! And my life is indeed a life full of grace! Everyone knows: I don't work hard to make money! I just mess around every day!  Yesterday, a friend asked me: Preachers will starve to death! Why are you doing this job? How do you live? I do not know either? But I really enjoy reading the Bible! Don't you ask me why?  Because I don't know why! I think the wisdom of the books in the world is too limited, but I will never finish the wisdom of the Bible! Anyone who can write books knows that books are all human knowledge and experience, and only the Bible is the word of God!

        The Bible has 3 most important places where God tests people! If your pastors don't find these places, it means their biblical roots are pretty poor! The Bible clearly says that Jesus is the Passover Lamb, but there are still many pastors who preach casually! The biggest controversy in the Bible is Hebrews! And when I started reading the Bible, God had inspired me: Hebrews was written by Barnabas, not Paul! If your pastors are still teaching that the author of Hebrews is Paul, they must not be rooted in the Bible! Jesus is the scapegoat for the Passover, there is no doubt about that! The Bible also has two big intentional errors! If you can find out, it means you are indeed rooted in the Bible! I won't tell everyone for the time being, but when God wants me to say it, I will naturally say it!

         Are Christians richer than others in the world? Are Christians more talents than others in the world? Are Christians more powerful than others inthe world? But ture Christians have "blessing" and "grace"! God's blessings and grace to us that no one in the world can steal! How tired are you to look after your treasure? You have to put a saftybox! To put it a bit harsher, if you suddenly can't get up, then your safe deposit box wealth will go to the bank! Power is the same, there is breath and power!  You just have a stroke and you have nothing! There are many people in the world who are better than you in terms of knowledge and ability. What's so great about us? What Gospel do Christians preach?  Christians just want to tell the world: The Creator gives us salvation! The Creator Lord blesses us! Do you want? The world's greatest ruler of all things in the universe, would you like to give us salvation and blessings? If people want, how can you let salvation and blessing come to those people? (When we read the New Testament carefully, we will find that the preaching of the Gospel by Jesus and his disciples is to preach the way of salvation and blessing)!