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What is the Enemies in the Bible?

March 30, 2022

           There are often Christians who think that Jesus should be insane, that Jesus often talks nonsense, and we often find a bunch of churches preaching randomly, and many people think that Christians are idiots and crazy, and no one wants to believe in Christianity! Why? To give the simplest example: When someone slapps you on the right face, even the left face will be automatically transferred to him. Isn't this what an idiot does? And it's the wicked who slapps you on the right cheek, and you want to slap him on the left! Will "villains" slap people in the face casually? The answer will be! But why is Jesus so perverted? Want us to be played by villains for fun? In fact, at first I didn't quite understand, and I didn't agree with Jesus! But when I read this scripture carefully, in fact, everyone interprets and understands the scriptures casually! Jesus' words are few, but Jesus' words are truth, and they matter a lot! Jesus is a wisdom God!

          Jesus said before: Do not stand against the wicked! We need to understand that all punctuation marks in the Bible were added later! (Matthew 5:39) But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.~If we turn not to resist the wicked into verse 38, then we can fully understand what Jesus meant! It is a very wise Truth to be a human being to be slapped on the right cheek and slapped on the left cheek! If I have the opportunity to share with you,then you understand this truth, it will greatly help children's education, and ours will also know how to have a good relationship!

          Today I want to share "The Enemies" with you! Because I find that many Christians become anti-Christians, that is, they don't understand what "enemy" is! As a result, before they knew it, they became good friends with the Antichrist and became anti-Christians! We say most often: Love our enemies and pray for our enemies! But if we don't read the Bible well, we really will become stupid anti-Christians!  (Matthew 10:36) And a man's foes shall be they of his own household. (Luke 19:27) But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me.(Matthew 5:44) But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despite fully use you, and persecute you;~These are the words of Jesus, not the words of Paul and Peter!

         There are two types of "enemies"! One is the "enemy of man"!  The other is the "enemy of Jesus"!  Jesus also told us clearly and plainly: Love our enemies! Jesus was not wrong at all, because our enemies are our own family! And we are all sinners, and we often offend people because of our sinful nature! We also often regard good people as our enemies, just because good people criticize our actions.  Because we are all sinners, we often cannot distinguish between good people and bad people, there are many sweet-smelling swords, and many people's sugar-coated cannonballs, we eat all of these, and we end up with rotten guts! That's why Jesus told us to love our enemies in order to prevent us from treating good people as bad! Because treating good people as bad people, good people will be depressed and don't want to be good people anymore. We will have more bad people and more bad people in our life! Loving our enemies won't hurt good people!

         Next is the enemy of Jesus! First, Jesus has told us: Jesus' enemies must be killed!  And we must understand: If we don't kill Jesus' enemies, we'll become anti-Christians! Jesus' enemy is the devil! Of course we can't love the devil! But we can't just blame people on a devil! The easiest way to divide Jesus' enemies: All idols; and the proud people, blaspheme God, blasphemers, despise God, take the name of God in vain, shed innocent blood, and hypocritical Pharisees! I just gave you some examples and we can already see that many antichrists are marching in the world! If we tolerate the Antichrist and the Devil, we will become them too. We will become the enemies of Jesus! Then our fate is to die, or to enter the lake of fire!

        The Bible has never contradicted. I have told you clearly and plainly that if you want to deceive yourself, then this is your choice! Jesus will never tolerate Christians: they know the Truth and go the wrong way! Jesus will not allow anti-Christians to gain life! God is not easy to deceive!