There is a kind of people in this world that I hate the most, and this kind of person is often our relatives and friends. I hate the kind of people who criticize and judge casually the most! I really don't like the personality of my mom, she's a Christian, but she doesn't seem to know anything about "sin"! I didn't gamble, I didn't cheat, and I didn't use scams to cheat my family! I just bought a bicycle, is there such a big mistake? She said to me: buy second-hand goods, buy bad goods, and then return them. I said: what I bought online is not second-hand, nor bad! I don't want to return it at all, the product is broken! The product is rotten! Can I not return it? The first bicycle obviously had a broken hand bar! I also tried to repair it, but I couldn't repair it, and it let me earn big wound, can I not return it? I buy new stuff, and the merchant gives me bad stuff. Should I swallow this dead cat?
The second bicycle, they had a problem with the hand bar also. I asked the black repairman to help me yesterday. It took a lot of effort for him to loosen the screws, and he was strong enough to help me get the hand bar right! I'm not that boring! This is not the past. Buying something now requires a car to return it, and the gas is so expensive. Who would be bored to buy something to return it? I don't like my mother that follows others said, never thinking about wrong or correct! That's the real reason I don't want to go back to Taiwan! The most troublesome thing in this world is ~ relatives and friends! There are many people who say how high-sounding the sweet-bellied sword is, and they are always stabbing in the back! I rarely spend time hanging out with relatives and friends, not because I'm arrogant, but because I feel like a waste of time! There are too many valuable things in life, why do I have to sit and play mahjong,and I am your relatives and friends? I don't like people forcing me to do things I don't like! Everyone's values are different, but at least there is respect! People who don't respect me, I won't respect them either!
(Matthew 18:3) And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. (4) Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.~ Most of my relatives are Buddhists! It's not my concern what idols they worship, because the idols they worship, the idols they worship, I used to worship. Yes! I won't go back because I know those idols don't help my life at all, it's not only a waste of time and money, but it's stupid! But everyone has their own choices, I think stupid things, why you guys force me to do? And I won’t preach the gospel with you, but don’t force me to follow your idols. I used to worship idols better than you, so I can judge for myself whether it’s worth it? I’m not my mother~ everything is fine. Anything is possible, follow the flow! Even though she has a lot of gods....A lof of Christians have a lot of different gods!
The idolaters are hypocritical! They say: Your God is the most domineering, there can only be one God! See how good we are? We can have all kinds of different gods! There are different gods, but there is no god! To accept various "truths" is that there is no "truth"! Why did Jesus say: You cannot go to the kingdom of heaven unless you have been transformed into a child? Because the kingdom of heaven does not need deceitful people! Heaven Needs: Concentrate, Simple People! Only children have no deceit in their hearts, yes yes, no no no! It's like the king's new clothes are revealed by children! Those who can accept lies have too much deceit in their hearts! There is another characteristic of children: Humility! Because kids think they don't know anything, kids love to learn new things, kids are simple, they learn with humility! When people get older, they will rely on the old to sell the old, and the older people are often more self-righteous and egocentric! There is another kind of person who is also the most self-righteous: The elite! The more knowledge, the stronger the ability and the more money, the more self-righteous! As long as you have a little kindergarten knowledge, a little money, a little will be self-righteous! This is the characteristic of human pride!
I also have the proud feature! Especially in my life, I rarely depend on anyone. In my life, there are too few people who have helped me! And I am also the kind of person who is always willing to help others. Helping others is not for profits and money. I will not help others with a purpose. Except for doing business in China in the past, I help some hated leaders because I want to earn from them. Get the benefits! I have already played with these benefits, corruption and bribery! Now that I choose to follow Jesus, I will never want to go back! It doesn't matter how absurd and indulgent I am when I am young, but I really don't want to go the old way right now! No one is forcing me at all. I am willing to serve God not because of "people", but because God Himself called me! Just like Paul was acquired by Jesus himself! The mentality of helping others is different now, it is purely what Jesus said: love your neighbor as yourself! Because I am called to follow Jesus, only the calling of God can truly help others without purpose, because the reward is from God, not from anyone!
I said: Most of my mother's relatives and friends are Buddhists, and she is also the kind of Christian who doesn't learn "truth" and doesn't know what "sin" is! Why do Christians keep spinning around in "sin"? Because so many pastors are in sin, if pastors can't be separated from the world, how can they lead the congregations to live a holy life? "Holy life" is not about pure heart and desire, "holy life" is to separate yourself from the world! Only by separating ourselves from the world can we have the opportunity to live a holy life, and only by living a holy life can we go to heaven! For heaven is for children who are not deceitful! Those who are deceitful in their hearts cannot go to heaven! (Hopefully we can share about "holiness" on Sunday!)