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What's Faith?

August 8, 2022

What is "faith"? What do Christians need? What a true Christian needs most is "faith"! Many Christians, many pastors, and the rest of the world do the same - think of money as "faith"! Money and "confidence" will never be the same sign! Do wealthy Christians and pastors represent their faith? Does it mean they can definitely go to heaven? Speaking to my parents yesterday, I have to be honest: They have absolutely no faith in God! Mom said: rich and confident! You can't do anything without money! Money is everything in Taiwan! Taiwanese worship money just like Americans! Both Taiwanese and Americans are ~ money comes first! Money first kills "humanity"! We can't see the real needs of people, we only see our interests! Many people will ask: Christians need to survive, but how can they survive without money? Will your God give you money?

Christians need to live! And our world will belong to the devil, that is, everyone believes the lies of the devil, and we believe that following the devil will make more money for us. We believe that with more money, our life will be better! More and more people would rather believe in "money" than in "God". Before we know it, our world has been captured by the devil! Who is the devil? What is the purpose of the devil? Who is the devil? Each of us asks ourselves whether we are the devil? Do we believe in "righteousness"? Do we believe in "God"? Or do we believe in "money"? Who is the devil? All the people in worship money are "devils"! Anyone who believes that "money" is everything is the devil! Because everything the devil does is based on "interest"! They are not really lovers, they are just to be seen by others. If they want to be recognized by others, they can get more benefits! How many people really care about "life"? The real "love your neighbor as yourself" is not to say it with your mouth, but to take real action!

(Hebrews 11:1) Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.~Many Christians know this verse, but do you understand the true meaning of this verse? "Faith" is the substance of what we hope for, that is, only by "faith" what we hope for can be accomplished! "Faith" is the evidence of unseen things, that is, we have "faith", and we fully believe unseen things! We haven't seen God, but do we believe there really is a Creator who created everything in the universe? We have not seen God created all things, but we have seen all things, and we believe it is God's creation, this is the proof of unseen things! We believe in the creation of the Creator, not because we see Him at work, but because we see everything He created! We see that all things believe in a Creator, and this is the proof of the unseen!

What is the substance of what is hoped for? "Heaven"! We Christians are totally different from other religions! We Christians have the hope of heaven! Heaven is Jesus' promise to us! Christians don't die, everything disappears! But we have the hope of heaven! None of us have ever seen heaven, but why do we believe that heaven is a wonderful place? Why do we want to go to heaven? Because these are the promises of Jesus, and we believe that heaven is a place without pain, deceit, and hatred! We all believe that heaven is a beautiful place, so heaven will be the hopeful place of Christians. We have never seen heaven, but our goal in this life is to pursue a life in eternal heaven. This is the reality of what we hope for! We believe that heaven is our ultimate goal, and we know that as long as we meet God's will, we will go to heaven!

What is "faith"? Faith is that we have the hope of heaven, we believe that we have the Creator who created all things in the universe and controls all things in the universe! "Faith" is not spoken with your mouth! Those who have faith and those who have no faith behave completely differently! Many people say they have faith, but they keep doing evil! These wicked people are unbelievers! Just like yesterday the pastor kept criticizing the Governor of New York: Witch! In fact, we have been "doing evil" all the time! All authority comes from God! Why did God put America into the hands of devil politicians? Why did God let us have an evil governor? God has said: For those who are crooked and rebellious, God will certainly treat them in crooked and rebellious ways! New Yorkers, are we too crooked and rebellious? So, what about God looking specifically for witches to fix New Yorkers? Are Americans too evil? So America is run by a bunch of devil politicians? We've been solving problems with our own way~criticizing, but in fact, we've never solved problems, and we're creating more divisions and problems!

This pastor has been promoting his book! I definitely won't buy it! He has too many criticisms! He keeps telling us to vote, to vote to change the status quo! What he wants us to do is what Trump wants us to do! Who do Christians follow? Do Christians follow politicians? Or follow God? Criticizing the Governor of New York, will our lives be improved? Like I was a big idiot before! I have been criticizing Biden! Do we think Biden can change America? Is Biden really so destructive? Biden is just a president! What he did requires the approval of others to execute, and if all the politicians disapproved of Biden, we would not be suffering at all right now! And America's evil is historical evil! America didn't start evil with Biden, America has always been evil in the past 100 years! We cannot see evil, but evil is already at work! "Voting" doesn't change anything! In fact, the America regime must collapse! These shepherds don't understand God's will at all and have been following the devils. Of course they took us to hell, and we are now living in hell on earth! We can't see the future, we can't see God, because we believe in and follow the devil's shepherds, we believe in lying politicians, that's why we have to suffer!

The Bible never changes! God's promises never change! Does God reign? Of course God is in control! Why does God allow the devil to continue to do evil? Because we choose to follow the devil, we do not choose to follow God! The difference between God and the devil: God is the beauty who created the universe! The devil is destroying the world! Only those who do not know God will always want to change the world on their own! Only those who do not believe in God can believe that what they do is right! God never has double standards! We are all ordinary people! We are not qualified to criticize people! But we have to study biblical truth, we have to discern who is the devil? What is pleasing to God! Studying biblical truth does not make us judge others, it makes us more trusting in God! Let us understand and believe that He is the only one: the God of Faithfulness and Righteousness! And every Word He said must come true! Without God, we don't need to study the Bible at all! Because the Bible is not chicken soup for the soul! The Bible is the Word of God!