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What's Israel doing?/以色列在做什么?

October 23, 2023

I don’t know what I should say: Israelis read the Bible very well? Or is it that Israel has gathered the best of the devils of all ages? Pharaoh specialized in killing Israel baby boys, so Moses became the prince of Egypt! And now Israel is more evil than Pharaoh! What is Israel doing now? Israel is now making Palestinian children hate Israelis from an early age! We must understand that the Israelites were driven out of Egypt by the Egyptians! The Israelites didn’t even want to leave Egypt! They also took a lot of jewelry out of Egypt! Therefore, even though Pharaoh killed the Israeli baby boys, the Israelites did not hate the Egyptians! But do Palestinian children hate Israelis? The Palestinian people absolutely hate the Israelis! Why? I saw a video: Israeli troops randomly beat women and arrested Palestinian women in Gaza! This reminds me of the Roman army, asking Jews to help carry their bags! And why are there so many terrorists in Palestine? Because Israel creates "terrorists" in Palestine! Palestinian children just dare to be angry but dare not speak out! Their resentment is hidden in their hearts!

Creating hatred against Palestine by Israel is your first crime! Actually, I don’t like female soldiers very much! Not discriminating against women! There's a reason why I don't like female soldiers! We all know what "comfort women" are! The presence of female soldiers in Israel does not mean "equality between men and women"! Israeli female soldiers will not only become "prisoners of war", but also become comfort women for the army! There is an imbalance between men and women in the army, and there are more men than women on the battlefield. These female soldiers may become prostitutes for soldiers. Rather than saying that they are female soldiers, they are better said to be "war prostitutes". This is an absolute fact! And when a war occurs, "prisoners of war" are "prisoners of war." Do you think female prisoners of war have human rights? Of course not! It is quite reasonable for female prisoners of war to be regarded as "comfort women"! There used to be many "comfort women" in "China and South Korea". All "comfort women" were forced by the Japanese army. Now many women in Israel voluntarily serve as soldiers. Then the Israelis remember: This is your own choice as women, they were abused. You are not qualified to talk about "human rights" if you are killed and treated as a comfort woman! Because they "volunteer to serve as soldiers", they make their own choices and must bear the consequences themselves!

Finally, Israel is great! Everyone said: Hitler was even compared to Israel! Indeed, Hitler was even compared to Israel! Hitler wanted to exterminate the Jews. Hitler could not exterminate the Jews at all. Hitler could only help the Jews to cleanse their population. Hitler did exterminate a group of poor Jews who had no money, no background and no army. The group of Jews that Hitler exterminated were the same people as those in Palestine now. Now in Palestine's Palestinians waiting to die are poor and people without any background! We asked: Is Hitler ruthless? Compared with Israel, Hitler is simply weak! Hitler is not so ruthless! It had only been a few years since Hitler exterminated the Jews. How many years had exterminate Palestine been since the founding of the state of Israel? Israel is even better! Israel kills people secretly and tortures them slowly. Hitler is stupid! We should learn from Israel! How many Palestinians has Israel killed? I think there must be several million! The United States has killed several millions of Indians, not to mention Israel’s killing of Palestinians? I once thought: Why have I never seen Indians in the United States? Very strange! Why did the Puritans meet Indians? And it's in New England, I have never seen an Indian before. It turns out that the Indians have been killed! In the same way, there are not so few people in Palestine. Only when they are all killed will the occupied territory become less and less! Finally, do you think the Israelis are really great?

I really admire the Israelis! Lose your conscience and make money! Kill whoever you want to kill! Is this thing a human being? Whoa whoa! No! This is not human! This is obviously the devil! Trump and the devil are good friends, so is Trump the devil? I have been thinking very hard just now: What has Trump done in the past four years? Besides building the expensive walls and unleashing the “Trump virus,” what else? I would like to ask: Has same-sex marriage been cancelled? No! Has the drug gone down? No! Have gun problems decreased? No! It should be said more: Trump has made guns more prevalent! More racial conflict! Drugs are also rampant! Social security is even worse! There are many things that we must step out of the box given to us by the Jews before we can see the "Truth." If we keep looking at the world through "Jewish glasses", then what we see is "what the devil wants to show us"! Just like the snake told Eve: Eat those fruits of good and evil, and you will become wise! Did Eve become wiser? Eve was smart enough to put herself on the path to death! Believe in the devil and you will die!





