Today I will explain the two words "reward" and "shameless"! Many people who don’t understand Chinese will think: retribution and shamelessness are curse words! In fact, retribution and shamelessness are "neutral words". Retribution and shamelessness are just like "money", there is no distinction between good and bad. There are not many curse words in Chinese, because Chinese does not attach importance to "cursing". Words and language are a tool for "communication". But we can be sure of one thing: swear words are definitely meant to curse.
"Retribution": "Do good and reward good." Is this "retribution"? "Do evil and reward evil." Is this "retribution"? Therefore, there is no distinction between good and bad in "retribution". "Retribution" is just a "result"! Why do we like to use the words "shameless" and "retribution" to curse people? We just want to use some words and phrases to "vent our anger"! When we understand the true meaning of "retribution" and "shameless", next time we are scolded, just smile! No matter whether people really want to scold you or not, life is not for people's words. You don't need to care too much about other people's criticism, because we are doing the right thing, so why should we care about what others said? Our behavior does not need to be changed by anyone's words, as long as you think what you do is worthy of your life, that is enough! Whatever we do, we should never let ourselves "regret", and we can never "do it over" in life! We only have this life!
Another word is "shameless"! "Shameless" feels like a curse word! "Shameless" and "five feet" have the same pronunciation with Chinese. If you find it difficult to accept being called "shameless", just listen to it as "five feet" on purpose! "Shameless" is indeed the same as "five feet". "Shameless" is not "distance", "shameless" is "position" and "standpoint"! Let me give you an example: During the War of Resistance Against Japan, there was a Chinese "female spy" who worked as a "famous prostitute" in a brothel in order to facilitate the collection of intelligence. But she did save the country and she did protect many anti-Japanese heroes. We can do you call this famous prostitute "shameless"? But let’s look at another scenario: There is a person who betrays his country, his friends, his family, etc. for “money” and “profits”. Is this person “shameless”? Therefore, I say: "Shameless" is the "position", and "shameless" is the "standpoint"! I believe that there were many "anti-Japanese female spies" during the Anti-Japanese War. I also believe that there were many "traitors" during the Anti-Japanese War who betrayed the country and the people for their own profits!
"Five feet" seems very long in a densely populated area! "Five feet" seems very short when there are no people! Therefore, "five feet" is a unit of distance measurement and cannot reflect any information at all! Some people think "five feet" is very long, and some people think "five feet" is very short, but "five feet" is "five feet" and the length will never change based on personal perception! The important thing about "shameless" and "five feet" is not our perception, but the important thing is: position and stance! If a person does something "shameless" from the standpoint of "righteousness", can we say: Can he be shameless? If a person does something "shameless" from the standpoint of "profits and money", shouldn't we say he is shameless? There are many missionaries who do many menial jobs in order to spread the gospel. Are they shameless? Many jobs are considered "low-level" in the eyes of ordinary people! It's despicable to "pick a big turd"! "Sweeping the streets" is mean! But are these people shameless? There is absolutely nothing "shameless" about these people! Therefore, we must understand: both "retribution" and "shameless" are neutral words! Stop being brainwashed by people who don’t understand Chinese and create unnecessary disputes! There are too many "shit stirrers" in this world with "constant disputes"! Don't regard yourself as "shit", otherwise the "shit stirrer" will have no effect or effect on us!
"Language" and "words" are used to help "communication and relationship each other". The real conflict of human beings comes from: not being able to "understand"! Why can't you understand? Because our "standpoints and positions" are different, we will have "conflicts"! When we understand that everyone has a different "sense of length" about "five feet", we will understand that different standpoints and positions will have different perceptions. The best way to avoid "conflicts and wars" is to understand the other party's position and standpoint! There is definitely a difference between a person who wants to avoid strife and a person who wants to create strife! So, let’s see clearly who is the “shit stirrer”? Don't treat yourself like "shit" and let "shit stirrers" taint yourself. This is the most important "philosophy of life"!