Recently, because of Israel's attacks on Palestine, the world has been strongly attacking the United States! I watched a video yesterday that said: Western civilization is all fake! Including the pyramids, the Mayan civilization, and the British Stonehenge...etc., they are all fake civilizations of modern technology. The video even said: The Bible is all fake! Pyramids, Mayan civilization, and Stonehenge may be fake. Why? Because of tourism income! The purpose of many of these ancient civilizations' frauds was to earn tourism revenue and keep a leadership role! Why am I sure the Bible is not false? I want to ask everyone: What is the Bible false for? Just like the ancient Chinese Tao Te Ching, Huang Di Nei Jing, The Analects of Confucius... Why are these ancient literary works fake? If the Tao Te Ching, the Book of Changes, the Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic and the Analects of Confucius cannot be falsified, then what reason does the Bible have to falsify?
Let me share with you again why it is impossible for the Bible to be false! Because the "Bible" has "Genesis" and "Revelation"! Everyone summarizes the "Bible" as a "religious" book. Let's think about it again: Why do religious books need to record ancient things? The religious books we see now all tell us how to "behave and do things", but the "Genesis" of the Bible tells us: the reason why the earth was formed! The most important point: (Genesis 1:1) In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. ~The Bible tells us: In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth! What does it mean? The Bible does not tell us to fear a certain person. The Bible tells us to fear the “Creator” who created heaven and earth! We must understand who is the biggest beneficiary of the passing down of the Bible?
Why can’t the Bible be fake? Because the "Genesis" of the Bible clearly tells mankind: Where we come from, and the creation of the earth! The "Book of Revelation" in the Bible is also very important! "Revelation" tells us the end of mankind in the last days! If the Bible is going to be fake, why does it have "Genesis" and "Revelation"? And "Genesis" has been fulfilled by modern science! "Genesis" talks about geology. Genesis said: There is a lot of gold in Cush! We need to understand that geological exploration only happened in the past few years. Why is there a lot of gold in Africa, which has already been recorded in the Bible? Let’s talk about “Revelation” again! "Revelation" is a book of prophecy! Revelation is a prophecy of the end of the world, and 80% of the prophecies in Revelation have been fulfilled! If the Bible is false, there should be no "Revelation" in the Bible! If the prophecies of "Revelation" do not come true, then isn't the Bible a lie? Wouldn’t the Bible be more deceptive without the Book of Revelation? But the Bible does have two of the most difficult books to understand, "Genesis" and "Revelation"!
Many people say: Jesus is a liar! Let’s think about it: Is Jesus real? Is there really a person like Jesus? Of course! Without Jesus, there would be no Christian era! Didn't "the Western Calendar" start because of Jesus? Why can’t the Jews get out of the “dead end”? Because Jews only read the "Old Testament"! The Jews have "Genesis", but they can never get to "Revelation"! "Revelation" was written by John the Elder! Old John was the one who sat next to Jesus at the Last Supper! There are two Johns in the New Testament, one is "John the Baptist" and the other is "John the Elder". The "Old John" is the John who wrote the Book of Revelation! And "John the Baptist" baptized Jesus, but was later beheaded by Herod! The Jews have always lived in the Old Testament, so the Jews have always been in the wilderness, and the Jews have never been redeemed! Real salvation begins in the "AD", that is, after the birth of Jesus, there can be salvation! The Jews knew that there was a Messiah and that the Messiah was the only Redeemer! The poor Jews killed their own Messiah and destroyed their own salvation!
The Bible is completely free of contradictions! pity! There are too many pastors in this world who don’t read the Bible and preach carelessly, killing people! Yesterday, a brother said to me: Don’t you think it’s sad to be a Christian? I said: No! I feel very happy to be a Christian! Because I know who I believe! I know who I work for! I know God is the most faithful boss in the world! Chatting with him, I discovered the common problems among Christians around the world today: 1. They don’t pay attention to biblical truth at all! 2. Blindly pursue the Holy Spirit! 3. Don’t change yourself, just ask for the coming of the Holy Spirit! 4. Blindly pursue attending special conferences! 5. Blindly pursue and worship "famous pastors" and "famous priests"! I can tell Christians all over the world clearly: Your behavior is just like the Jews. You will stay in the wilderness forever, and you will never be able to enter the "Promised Land"! The most important thing about becoming a Christian is: "life change"! If "life" does not change, it will never be redeemed! If "life" does not change, "Holy Spirit" will never be with you! Only a "clean temple" can have the "presence of the Holy Spirit"! "Special meetings" and "courses" are all ways to make money! These will not help our brothers and sisters change their lives and make their future better! Today is the last day of 2023, and I hope that starting from tomorrow: We are all rooted in "biblical truth"! Only "truth" can make us "free"! Only "truth" can give us "life"! I have the ability to cast out demons and heal. Why don’t I use these abilities to make money, organize courses and conferences? Because I want my brothers and sisters to have "real freedom" and "real life"! Blind pursuit of the "Holy Spirit" often attracts "evil spirits". Why are many churches increasingly leaning toward "cults"? Only "biblical truth" can truly help us "change lives"!
I keep telling God: Don’t let me be a preacher who relies on giving! I don’t want to be a “beggar preacher”! In order to have a big church and maintain the church, many pastors must use various means to make money! Why don’t I make money by casting out demons and healing people? Why am I not ordained a pastor? Because I have only one goal: to let all Christians know the "Truth"! Only "Biblical truth" can make our lives better! Who benefits from the Bible? The Bible benefits people all over the world! As long as we correctly understand the truth of the Bible, our lives will definitely become better! Next year I want to start planning a prayer hall! I originally wanted to rely on myself, but it will take several years to raise funds. If any Christians are willing to participate and support, I would also be very grateful! The Bible is my only burden!