Is Russia fighting a poor country? Or a corrupt country? Ukraine's population and resources is petty rich, but Ukraine is a big poor country! So poor that women sell their wombs to give birth, which is even poorer than Vietnam! With his way, return to his body! The elite group relies on bitcoin for money laundering, and now they are also tied up by bitcoin, and they can't sanction Russia at all! If we look at the modern history of the world, we can truly see the hateful nature of these elite groups! But it doesn't matter, let's let these villains continue to do evil! What should be killed by the sword has been designated as a sword kill! Those who should be plundered have already been designated as plunder! The dead must die! Not one of the lake of fire can run away! The pain in life isn't because of how your life is now? But do you know how to live?! Don't let life control us, but let us control life!
If you are a living person, you must learn to control life! Only the dead are led away by life, and they are played around by life! There is nothing scary about elite devils! Because the devil can control is money, they have nothing but money, and there are a group of little devils who want to eat black! The US government is the culprit of our age! Why is the wealth gap so large? All these social faults are caused by the evil regime of the United States! God has not set up a world policeman, let alone a world judge... The governments use to corrupt and rule the people! Every decision made by the government needs to be responsible to the country and the people! And Ukraine is a government that corrupts and harms the people! This government must end! America is the same! None of the government officials are responsible for the wrong Covid policy!
Don't let money rule your life! Don't let people control your emotions! God has asked Samuel to tell the Israelites 3,000 years ago: How our elected king will rule and enslave the people! But people are always servile, that is, they want in charged! We must always remember: the beginning and end of life are the same, the important thing is the process, but what is the purpose of the process of life? Of course, the process of life isn't just to let you ~die and make money! The process of life is to reach the future of eternal life, not the future of punishment forever! Find out that there are so many mysteries in the Bible! I'll have the opportunity to share with you later! I heard that the Ukrainian government is about to be disintegrated! As long as there is no NATO support... the Ukrainian people will be better! Whoever leads the Ukrainian people is the same, the important thing is that life will be better! Don't be demons who has no dignity, no humanity and did anyhing for money!
What is an ally? An ally is someone whose heart is deceived by money... What he sees in his heart is to gain benefits, and if there is no profit, he won't fight! Let it fight... Now this world is a world where there is no distinction between black and white, no right and wrong, and profits are in command! Why fight? Why not go to war? Peaceful days don't belong to the poor and dead people, but peaceful days belong to the high-level elite group! Dead people like us can only be devastated! If Elites want you to get vaccinated, you have to get vaccinated! If Elites want you to stay at home, you have to stay at home! If Elites want you to see a big watermelon, you must believe that medias there is a watermelon the size of a house! Elites say that pig shits eat people's beauty and strong, people will grab pig feces and were still waiting outside to pick up pig feces... Wait 2-3 hours! After eating pig shit... and they feel happy and peaceful in life! People who don't eat pig shit are stupid! If you don't eat pig shit, that's your enemy! This's what our great government is doing now~great things!
What are Putin and Xi? They're just like us - don't eat pig shit! As a result, they became the public enemy of the whole world! Like you don't get vaccinated, you don't accept LGTBQ, you don't become transgender, you're not gay, you're the enemy of the world! That's right! "Enemies of the World"! The whole world wants to oppose God! The whole world will crucify Jesus! Now the whole world is one big Jerusalem, what do you think the whole world is against? The whole world is against the sovereignty of God! The whole world is against God! If it isn't against God, not against God's sovereignty, do these people dare to mandate vaccinated to people all over the world? Without the support of the government behind these media, do they dare to report indiscriminately? What's more abhorrent is ~ New York Covid dead people, is there no faults in government policy? If you die, you will die, No any responsibility for at all government's officials!
I don't know what you see? But we need to understand what these world elites want now? They want to control the whole world! They want to control all resources of the world! They can change the law as they please! They can kill anyone they want! (2 Samuel 2:14) And Abner said to Joab, Let the young men now arise, and play before us. And Joab said, Let them arise.~Joab and Abner are both leaders, and Abner is bored, Just want to play with Israeli soldiers! Are Ukraine and Russia the same race today? They used to be brothers! In the end, the Israelites fought each other, and Asahel died! Abner didn't pay the price for it, but it was doomed him to die!
"Leaders" I have always emphasized in the video ~ Leaders are the most important! Follow the devil forever to eternal death, follow God to have eternal life! And maybe the Ukrainian people can see who is the real reliable ally? God is the true and reliable ally! The Ukrainian people are not praying for international support, you must confess your sins and repent! As long as you are willing to confess your sins and repent! God will surely send an army of angels to help you! Don't trust your government! Don't trust your weapons! Don't trust your allies! As long as you confess your sins, repent, and trust God completely, God will surely protect you! Ukrainians confess their sins and repent! Your prayer of confession is your real life-saving charm! I can assure you that as long as you are willing to confess your sins and repent, God will surely hear! God will surely protect you! If you trust your govenment and you will be perished!