Just saw a piece of news "campus bullying"! School districts 25 and 26 are relatively good school districts in Queens, but there are also campus bullying incidents! There were "campus bullying" incidents in Taiwan when I was studying, so I let my two daughters learn Taekwondo, just to protect themselves! We are not learning American embroidered boxing. To protect ourselves in learning martial arts, we must be able to beat people to the ground! The "quality of school districts" in the United States directly affects "house prices". This social problem is also a serious social problem in China! Because of their status, my two daughters cannot go to public schools in China, but can only go to private primary schools. Private primary schools generally do not have too many campus bullying incidents! And we used to spend a lot of connections and money to get them into the best public primary schools. Of course it is different treating to spend high "sponsorship fees"! Back in New York, they were also in a good school district! But now Queens has been completely wiped out by idiot officials! The worst thing about America is that a group of ignorant people control government departments! You know that letting a group of ignorant people run the country is more harmful than having a group of pigs run the country! At least "pigs" will not make random decisions, but greedy and ignorant officials will kill many people if they make random decisions, and will endanger future generations forever!
(Matthew 6:33) But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be assed unto you. ~~The corruption of Christianity should have started after the death of Jesus ~ slowly degenerate! Later, when the "Atonement Scroll" appeared in the Catholic Church, it accelerated its corruption! What is Jesus telling us? Seek first the kingdom of God, then the righteousness of God, and all our needs will be added to us! What does it mean? Many Christians have been complaining that God is powerless, that God is not rich at all, that God is mean, and that Christians are generally poor! It's true that Christians are poor, and Christians are stingy, which is why I didn't want to be a Christian for so many years! When I saw those Christians, I wanted to send them a few words, "It's delicious, lazy, full of lies"! Am I wrong about these Christians? Am I wrong about these pastors? I am absolutely right!
These Christians "preach" nonsense! In the past, when I heard about Christians, I ran away. Why? I didn't know these people were Christians, so I wouldn't be disgusted with them. Although their behavior is disgusting, knowing that they are Christians and wanting to preach the gospel to me is simply disgusting! A Christian evangelizes by mouth? People who are full of lies, are you willing to believe the gospel they preach? After becoming a Christian, I will give many brothers and sisters the opportunity to share the gospel with me, but I find that after becoming a Christian and knowing more Christians, I am even more disappointed in Christianity! I found that the destroyed of Christianity would make the world more peaceful! You know how I studied theology, I didn't know that these schools value their ignorant knowledge more than the Bible! The seminary throws the "Bible" into the trash can and relies on "knowledge" to train clergy, which affirms and dooms Christianity to its demise! Without the presence of the Holy Spirit, it is doomed to perish! My primary school knowledge is good enough. I don't need to waste time learning "primary knowledge" in Christian schools. What I need to learn is "biblical truth". Christianity is indeed going to perish! Because too many pastors, scholars, and preachers don't understand the "biblical truth" at all!
Why are Christians so poor? Why do many people become Christians for decades without changing their lives? Why can't Christians bear "good fruit"? Surely Christians are not bearing "good fruit"! Why? Because there are 1.5 billion Christians in the world, but this world is getting worse and worse! Jesus said: We must first seek "the kingdom of God" and then "the righteousness of God", and what we need will be added to us! What is the "Kingdom of God"? What is "God's righteousness"? How many Christians spend their lives seeking "the kingdom of God and the righteousness of God"? But many Christians spend their entire lives trying to make money for themselves! They "accumulate money" quite confidently! If every Christian seeks first the kingdom of God and the righteousness of God, today's world is definitely not such a "greedy world"! Every Christian, preacher, and church leader should ask themselves: Are we consuming God? Or do we give face to God? What we do is: What about profiting in the name of Christians? Or do we benefits God? If we let the name of Jesus be praised, it is worth while for Jesus to go to the cross for us! If we make people hate Christians even more, we're like the Jews - killing Jesus all the time!
Why is the law and order in the United States getting worse and worse? Why is US inflation getting worse? The more money we earn, the more we spend! The government's yoke is getting heavier and heavier! There is absolutely no revival of American Christianity! American Christianity puts on a top-notch show! It's the best way to trick those old fools! Why are there fewer and fewer young Christians? Because Christianity is controlled by "greedy old fools"! Young people don't want to be with those "hypocritical" old fools! Really?! At least myself don't want to be with "hypocritical" Christians! It is really funny that Christians dare to "preach the gospel" without knowing the "Bible" for decades! I'll say it again: Christians have only one standard: "Seek first the kingdom of God, and then the righteousness of God"! If you have not sought the kingdom of God, nor the righteousness of God, you are not qualified to preach the gospel! And it is even more impossible for God to give you abundant grace! So it's not that God is incapable, but that you and God are not fellow travelers! God never needs preachers and shepherds who show off! Did Jesus need a show?
Can one preach without knowing the "Bible" and "Bible truth"? Cannot! You "preachers" and "pastors" don't understand the "truths of the Bible." What kind of preaching do you preach? Christianity has only one "The way" ~ the Bible! There is no other "Word" to preach other than the "Bible"! The real "preachers" and "shepherds" have only one job to spread the "biblical truth"! You don't need to put on a show like a clown, let alone arrange a bunch of shows. This world needs "Truth", and this world does not need "Consumption and Entertainment Bible"! Only the word of God can change people's lives! Only the word of God can give people an abundant life! Only the word of God is the bread of life! What is our nonsense? Can nonsense give people prosperity? Isn't this ignorance? And the US government and politicians are too many lies! The Church is too much of a lie! "Lies" are the reason why people's hearts are corrupted and the world is corrupted! The devil is the father of lies! Lying pastors, preachers and churches belong to the "devil"! The US government and politicians are full of "lies", so the US belongs to the "devil", and the devil can only kill and destroy!