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Who are you loyal to?

September 10, 2022

I saw two news: one is the cry of transgender people! He said: "He's been on puberty blockers since he was 16 and he's never going back! He said: He regrets it! U.S. government officials are devils, and they have been advocating transgender people, turning these transgender people into monsters that suffer for a lifetime! Another piece of news is the abandonment of the US green card! Many companies are already helping American citizens, giving up citizenship and green cards! What does this mean? America is almost done! America must be doomed! And it will be pretty fast! I was chatting with a church sister yesterday, I asked: Has your daughter been vaccinated? She said: My daughter didn't get a single shot! They don't want their kids to vaccinate their children because the vaccine is not mature at all! I said: All public school teachers and students in New York City are mandatory to be vaccinated. As long as they are 5 years old, they must be vaccinated, regardless of whether you have had Covid or not! Bill Gates wants people to get the vaccine produced within 6 months in the future, these devils are really crazy!

Many people are afraid to eat expired food, but why do you seem to be indifferent to injections and medicines? You should check to see which component of the vaccine can be absorbed by the human body? Injections and medicines are all chemical drugs, and these are ingredients that the human body cannot absorb! These things are as harmful as puberty blockers - they can never be pulled out! What is punched in can never be pulled out for a lifetime! Why is our world getting more and more outrageous? We all know that the US government is manadated vaccinated, what does this mean? Allegiance to the U.S. government! This is how I saw the Japanese concentration camps yesterday, and the US government used the immature vaccines to highlight the people's trust in the government! We can even find that the government's ignorance policy starts from a young age! Children are taught to be loyal to the government since they were young, so when they are educated in school, they don't think about transgender good or bab at all, and as a result, they suffer for transgender a lifetime! Many people say: You are not a Christian! Because Christians don't talk about politics! Right! I am not a Christian! Because I am a follower of Jesus, I do things that few Christians want to do! Christians just sing and gossip in church and play Sunday service shows! They are great! I am a poor fool Jesus follower! There is a price to pay for following Jesus! India ~ has now started to become a big problem for the whole world! Indians are so thieves!

(Matthew 16:24) Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.~This verse should be understood by every Christian, but we modern Christians never bear the cross! We used the cross to crucify Jesus! See how pitiful Jesus is? To be crucified by 1.5 billion crosses! And die and die! Jesus told his disciples plainly: Take up your cross and follow Jesus. Do we modern Christians have a cross? How many people understand what a cross is? What did Jesus mean by "self-denial" and "cross"? What exactly does that mean? We are all "baptized" Christians, but is being baptized a true Christian? Of course not! Even though the Jews were circumcised, they were circumcised in body, but they were never circumcised in heart! Therefore, "circumcision" has no meaning at all! If we are baptized in the body and not baptized in the heart, our baptism doesn't mean anything!

What exactly is a "cross"? There are many pastors who don't understand the "cross" at all. They say: The cross is our sin! Of course not! The downfall of the Christian church is because these pastors do not study the Bible well, they do not understand the Bible at all, and they have been preaching their crooked and evil thoughts! These pastors and leaders who preach crooked and evil thoughts should be thrown into the lake of fire - never to be forgiven! I have begun to pray that God will judge the church and that Christianity will perish, and this is my most recent prayer! Because these churches and pastors have been corrupting people's hearts and humanity, they must be judged more severely! Thank God! I don't need to look at anyone's face, and I don't need to do what the devil shepherds say! You know why we feel the government is killing people? The government is indeed killing people, and they are exterminating humanity! They exterminate first those who their brains are useless, and then those who cannot be loyal to them! And the people who are brains useless are the idiots who do what the government says and do! The world doesn't need idiots! Stupid people will change sex. Stupid people don't care about their bodies, they only care about making money. People who get vaccinated for money will die! People who do everything for money, the government will definitely not want such fools! Because they might kill government officials for money later! People who put money first can take advantage, but they can never be treated with sincerity!

And what are Trump and Biden doing? They are testing the people's allegiance to them! Why did 1/6 of Trump want supporters to go to DC to support Trump? Look at your allegiance to Trump! "Vaccines" are also a test of loyalty! And kill the fools! Killed more than half of the world's population! Because the whole world looks at the countries that manufacture vaccines and uses Americans for experiments, and the vaccination rate of Americans is higher than 70%. This is the best advertising and promoting marketing! Americans' trust in the government has turned into advertising, and helping the US government rationalize the use of vaccines and viruses to kill people all over the world! The "Cross" is not our sin, the "Cross" is God's ordination for each of us! It is God's will for everyone's life! Jesus' ordination was to go to the cross for the sins of all mankind! And Jesus wants us to take up our own cross. Jesus wants us to take the path that God has prepared for us!

Christians in America need to ask themselves: Are you loyal to the Republican Party? What about Trump? What about the Democrats? What about Biden? Or the Lord Jesus? Many Christians don't know what a cross is at all, they just follow many pastors and Christian leaders, and they even preach like fools that Christians should die for certain political parties and politicians! Christians are always followers of Jesus, Christians are not baptized! Those who are baptized are not necessarily Christians, but those who follow Jesus are disciples of Christ even if they are not baptized! And to take up our own cross, we must deny ourselves! Without self-denial, we cannot take up our cross! Why? Because the cross represents God's will on us, none of us would be willing to live our whole life to follow God's will, we want to live according to our own plans! Therefore, we do not deny ourselves, we all live according to our own plans, how can we take up our own cross?

Why do I want God to destroy Christianity? Because Christianity is too corrupt! Everyone wants salvation, but they don't deserve it at all! They have no idea what salvation is! "Salvation" is for those who want to be saved! For those who are unwilling to be saved, giving them salvation is a waste! Like a person who wants to commit suicide, he jumps into the bottomless pit, can you hold him? If you pull him, you will be dragged into the bottomless pit! Earth's resources are limited! Human waste is too serious! In particular, the population of Europe and the United Kingdom needs to be reduced by more than half! It is very easy for China and India to implement population extermination! China has already implemented one child, and India's caste system is quite serious! So basically, the world population needs to be wiped out at least 2/3! These are already planned, and countries around the world are already implementing them! People will ask: Why didn’t God saves us? I said: People who commit suicide are not worthy of salvation! God will not save those who jump into the abyss! There is only one way to be redeemed—deny yourself, take up your own cross and follow Jesus!