The two new words "brainless" and "scheming bitch" that I just learned yesterday! Why did you learn these two new nouns? Because a friend told me of a British royal couple, the man is a "brainless" and the woman is a "scheming bitch"! Welcome everyone to take a seat to fit the couple! And suddenly remembered: This kind of "brainless people" and "scheming bitches" are actually relatives who often appear in our lives! The brainless are often our parents, and the scheming bitches are the relatives around our parents. I am often framed by a group of scheming bitches relatives, and I am clearly not this disgusting at all, and I am also described as this disgusting! And parents are often "brainless"! Parents often do not think carefully, and often listen to the nonsense of those scheming bitches around them! In fact, brainless people and scheming bitches are everywhere!
Let's talk today about how many "scheming bitches" are there in our lives? And the scheming bitch treats each of us as ~brainless people! Many church pastors are also "scheming bitches". They pastor for the benefits of their own pockets. They regard every congregations as "brainless"! Why do I say so? Because they often preach the truth casually for their own benefits, they not only preach the truth casually, they also criticize everywhere! The biggest function of these pastors is to criticize and kill our children and kill other non-Christians! These scheming bitches are not preaching the gospel at all, they are the creators of social disputes, family disputes, and disputes between people! Many people will wonder why I didn't believe in Christianity and I had peace. Before I became a Christian, I was peaceful and happy, but after I became a Christian~ I have no peace in my heart, I don't see anything pleasing to the eye, everything I see is wrong, and my heart is full of hatred! That's what scheming bitches pastors are trying to do!
(John 14:27) Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.~ Jesus told us plainly: His peace has been left to us, but why do we not have peace in the church? Why is there conflict in the church? Why does the church make us sad? Why does the church make us worry that we will not be able to live and that we will sin against God? Because the peace we get in the church is not the peace that comes from God, but the false peace that comes from the mouths of the pastors! The peace that pastors speak with their own mouths certainly cannot bring peace to people. Only the peace of Jesus is the real peace! I have to give the judgement of the churches to God, the quality judging of the churches has nothing to do with me, and Christians must distinguish for themselves! I want to share more and more hateful "scheming bitches" with you today!
The most hateful "scheming bitches" in our lives are government officials! New York must be independent, New York must end being run by these scheming bitches! New York is now a crime paradise, criminals and the government can deal with New Yorkers at will, and New Yorkers are a group of "brainless"! Why the New Yorker are brainless people? Usually brainless people don't think, they are all short-sighted! They only care what the eyes seeing, they don't think about the purpose of the scheming bitches! The New Yorker is really miserable! We don't pay less tax than out-of-state people, but we live this shit land! Our government uses our tax money to support drug dealers and those who smash, loot and burn, and abortions. Why do we eat genetically modified food? Why can't we have green fields? Why do we allow the government to mutilate our children? Let the government let criminals run around? What is the reason New Yorkers really want to live this kind of life? We are too relying on the governments! We trust the government too much! We rely too much on scheming bitches and trust scheming bitches, and we'll be brainless!
Just as we believe too much and rely too much on the church's scheming bitch pastors, we become brainless congregations! But Americans have always been brainless! Why have church pastors been able to deceive the congregation for thousands of years? It's because the congregations are brainless! Just like I have always emphasized~ Jesus' Good Friday is Passover, and the Passover is Wednesday in the year Jesus died, these pastors will not improve! Jesus' Resurrection Day is Saturday! These people are so deeply dominated by lies that no one dares to point out the lies! Like Trump telling a bunch of lies! Does building a wall help? No and never! These are propaganda! Can the police really ensure social order? Won't! Only by changing people's hearts is the fundamental solution to ensuring social order! A "scheming bitch" is a bunch of incompetent shit sticks! They just rely on the mouths! By their lying mouths! Without "lies", these scheming bitches have no place to live at all!
If you want New York to be safe, you must change people's hearts! Ask: Legalize marijuana! There is no cost to crime! Legalize abortions! Legalize prostitution! Rationalization of corruption and bribery! …can these things change people's hearts? Changing people's hearts has nothing to do with money, but changing people's hearts must ~ refuse to breed criminals! Criminals are like viruses! If you don't give the virus room to live, the virus will definitely not be able to reproduce, and the virus cannot reproduce, so where does the virus spread? Only by cultivating and spreading viruses can we create a plague! The real killer of the virus is to refuse the breeding of the virus! If we're going to feed the virus, we can never stop the plague! The scheming bitch government treats each of us as brainless people who instill hatred, crime, violence, greed, pornography, indoctrination... There is nothing they give us that can bring us peace! Only the Lord of Jesus can give us true peace!
To have peace and joy, we must reject lies! Reject the scheming bitches! We can't rely too much on scheming bitches and trust scheming bitches! Think about it: The scheming bitches just want to gain our trust and dependence, and we still rely on and trust the scheming bitches, are you really brainless? You know that people are digging holes for you to jump in, and you just jump into it, you are not brainless, what are you? The New Yorker think in our own brains, we really have to keep paying these god-cursed taxes, crushing ourselves to death, and then being cast into the lake of fire by God and never leaving the lake of fire because our taxes are used by goverments: Support abortion! Encourage drug trafficking! Train more criminals! Our officials can do evil because of our support them! It's time for us to be independent! We want the peace of Jesus! How to get the peace of Jesus? Keep sharing!