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Who is covering up the Scam syndicate?

May 27, 2022

          What's the most annoying thing on this surface? "Scam Group"! Scam groups have become the norm in our lives, and they have also become the most shameless and hateful bastards on the surface! When did the scam syndicate start? What kind of scam is the worst?

          The scam syndicate begins with the king's new clothes! And the king of the king's new clothes is the representative of the most hateful Scam group! Two liars can set up a scam group!  Therefore, the fraud group does not need many people, it only needs to have power and effect!  Liars to defraud the king, the king to defraud the people of the whole country, this is the most effective example of fraud! What kind of people are scammers trying to defraud? The fraudulent group must defraud the leaders. Only the fraudulent group defrauds the leaders, and the real income of the fraudulent group is scary! That is really huge profits!

           (Proverbs 20:17) Bread of deceit is sweet to a man; but afterwards his mouth shall be filled with gravel.~Why can scam groups prevail in this age? Because "fraud" is completely decriminalized! Just like the king's new clothes, those two swindlers not only deceived the king, but also deceived the people of the whole kingdom, but they disappeared quietly, and they were not punished! If every liar has to be punished, ask: How many people dare to cheat? As the Proverbs says: Food obtained with a lie is sweet to a man, and then his mouth will be full of dust!  This is the deceiver, will be deceived! Liars will be deceived! The liar tricks the sweet food into a ball of sand and sugar-coated it! Maybe sugar-coated shells too! Therefore, when a liar puts the deceived food into his mouth, it becomes like eating dust! In this age of fraud, it seems impossible not to be defrauded. What should we do? And the first thing we found when our life returned to normal- scam calls have begun to flourish never stopped!

             Internet fraud has become the most terrifying tool in the world! Why are online scams becoming more efficient and effective? Who sold our information? Who sold our information to scam groups? Who sold our credit cards and phone numbers info.? There are several important sources to betray us: government departments, banks, social media and mobile phone companies! These are the reasons for the leakage of our personal information! And these agencies they sell our personal data, they never seem to be penalized why? Because they have power - unlimited crimes! When crimes is exonerated, that's why criminals and crimes flourish!  More and more fraudulent groups, more and more people are being defrauded, and more and more different fraudulent methods and channels all come from the decriminalization of frauds!

             "Fraud" is always a sin! Why is fraud decriminalized? Because our leaders are all committing crimes, they naturally decriminalize frauds, and they don't need to be punished for their crimes! "Political Frauds" is the most common phenomenon! Using political power to defraud people and brainwash people, this is fraud! There are many people who would rather believe in scammers, but they don't want to believe in God, why? Because God that we can't see it! Ever wondered: God is more reliable than anyone in the world? Scam groups fraud is definitely not to do good! The purpose of the fraud group's fraud is to "profits"! And why does God deceive people? What good can God gain by deceiving us? And in the Bible, God tells us again and again: He hates lies the most! If God can deceive, why does He hate lies?

           And none of us leaders hate lies because they are liars themselves! Only liars work hard to decriminalize frauds! Fraud can never be exonerated! Fraud must be severely punished! Fraud syndicate must be the announcement of public! Fraud syndicates must confiscate propertes!  Organizations sell that leak personal information and must be severely punished! Organizations sold that leak personal information must compensate every victim! Without punishment, crimes will continue to expand, and criminals will multiply! This is why there are more and more criminals and crimes in our generation! God's law will never take away criminals! "Forgiveness" does not take away sins! "Forgiveness" is grace, but sin is never taken away! "Wrong" never becomes "right"! A "lie" will never become a "truth"! If we don't kill "sins", God will kill the "criminals" with His own hands! No one can be forgiven by God's hand! Major sins and minor sins are sins! No one will be forgiven by God, if God punishes us! So before God's punishments comes we must do something to repent and clean liars and lies!