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Who is the vaccines Distribustor?

April 19, 2022

         I hope that Taiwan will not become a country without shame, full of fraud, laughing at the poor and not laughing at prostitutes in the future! The fate of Taiwanese's life is at stake! Because you believe that "deception" can run rampant! You are really on the same level as American politicians! Make the country a shit hole! I don't know what are the government looking for? Looking for money? I'll just see how long your wealth can keep you alive? You better go to hell with your money! You can buy the pig and horse ghosts, or you will die quite miserably! Officials without moral not deserve to be officials, let alone people! Taiwanese, are you willing to manage those who have no moral conscience? Money in this world cannot guarantee that you will not die! Can't money keep you from judgments ? I can tell you: "money" is useful for you to live! Money is shit after you die!

         Even your money can't buy a ghost! Money can make ghosts run the mill ~ This is a scam! Why the hell do you need your money? Do ghosts want to buy famous brands in hell, who cares? Do ghosts need to drive a Tesla in hell. who needs? What do ghosts buy with money in hell? You are so stupid! You want to save money for future generations~ After you die, your offspring help to buy the hell ghosts for you! Then you need money, these little devils need it! Don't you know that the world is a "supply and demand problem"? What the hell's ghosts do they want? You must know what the ghosts want, and you can live a good life in hell!

          (Luke 16:24) And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame.~ Lazarus and the rich man were both sons of Abraham! Both were dead! Lazarus was in the arms of his father Abraham, the rich man was tortured in hell! Therefore, wealth does not guarantee the days after you die!  Life is quite short! Having money doesn't mean you can run wild in hell! I often tell people: our time on earth is quite short! We will all be dead for a long time! Whether you believe in heaven and hell? First ask yourself: how much benefit does being evil bring you? does it worth?

         Even if you are famous and rich like a rich man, so what? When you have nothing, when you are are trampled by everyone! Being "kind" is the source of our life's peace and joy! Don't let interests blind our hearts! Don't be blinded by profits! We must all die! No one can escape "death", and no one can escape death except when God picks up people! So, don't deal with ghosts! Those who need money are not gods, but ghosts! It's not a god, it's a ghost who will let you do evil things! God lacks nothing! He has no reason to ask us to do evil things! God has no reason to need our wealth! God would never ask us to cast a golden calf for Him! God does not need a golden body... Gold and silver treasures are needed by people, but not by God! Don't make the Devils to gods!