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Who launched the Biochemical wars to destroy mankind?

December 22, 2022

After holding back for 3 years, I can finally make a summary! Check in with yourselves! First, there are so many types of viruses now! There is no vaccine that can completely prevent and control viruses! Second, if someone intentionally releases viruses! We can't control it either! The " Bacillus anthracnose vircus" has released in the United States, and it is spread through letters! Third, we don’t know whether the nucleic acid detection kits contain viruses or not? Fourth, we don’t know the survival time of the virus? There are many viruses on the item, which can survive for 1 month! I would like to ask: how do we prevent viruses? Now that China is out of control, we must get out of the fear and shadow of the virus. The "virus" is not scary at all! The horror is the wrong concept and wrong knowledge of epidemic prevention!

What are we going to do now? First, get rid of past misconceptions! We are not trying to figure out who has the money and who can afford the vaccines! Vaccines can't protect us! We are fighting resistance now! Second, what kind of war is the cheapest? Biological warfare saves the most money! Why was he lockdown for the past 3 years? Brainwashing us! The corrupt governments of various countries are brainwashing mankind! It's not that the government is incapable of protecting the people, but that the viruses is so terrible! Third, let me decipher why there is this biological wars? How many countries have been killed by "lockdown the cities"! "City lockdown" is the best way to kill the country's economy and kill people no income! There are also "vaccine benefits" and "nucleic acid testing benefits". How much are these? Finally, do expensive "cure drugs" really work? Fighting biological warfare is the easiest and makes money! We regard those countries that manufacture "vaccine" and "nucleic acid testing" as saviors! We have never thought that only those who release viruses can be detoxified! And "viruses makers" are regarded as saviors, and they make a lot of money! This world is too ridiculous! China is now: internal and external troubles! Internal worries: viruses, foreign aggression: Japan, South Korea, India, and Taiwan! People in Taiwan don't watch the excitement! The Taiwanese are the pawns of the United States to deal with China!

People in Taiwan should think: Is it worthwhile for us to help the United States deal with China? China already has a population of 1.4 billion, and when it comes to the Chinese market, Taiwanese have an absolute advantage! Why do we want to be second-class citizens in the United States? Look at the faces of Americans? Moreover, we had a good prevention and control, why did viruses get out of control? Has our government been bought by American capitalists? Trampling on the lives of Taiwanese! Americans deserve it! They believe in Trump! Trump just made himself a savior, and it turned out that he was the one who released the viruses! Americans never care about Covid viruses came and who made it? They just care about Trump! Trump is a rich man, how many poor people died because Covid viruses? I really don't know if Trump needs Americans help him, how about so many poor people sicke because Covid viruses and vaccinated? The Americans are obsessed with their own obsession. Do Taiwanese need to be stupid as the Americans? Now the virus is out of control! The US virus is out of control! Because the capitalists want to make more money from people and cut more elders at will! Therefore, continue to vaccinate, and the viruses will never stop! I said: My prescription is to block the reproduction and replication of the viruses in the body! Now it's not about positive or negative, but about "survival rate" and "immunity"! We don't know what virus will come to us, let alone what the "survival rate" is? If the "viruses" is treated from the beginning, if it is not lockdown for 3 years to raise the virus, it will not be the result today!

I also found out one more thing: the past 100 years, World War I and World War II are all related to the founding of Israel! The Israelis originally controlled the world economy, and they used the United States to control the world economy! And the Jews are preparing to build a country, so they try to hollow out the United States! Both the First World War and the Second World War were ways for the Jews to make money, that is, for the Jews to prepare for the founding of Israel! The founding of Israel was not allowed by God, so Israel used wars and weapons to build the country! Why is there no world peace? Because these shepherds indulge the devils! The Jews also made up many lies! Hope this time the Covid virus has nothing to do with Israel! There are different strains of the "Covid virus" this period! It's a little hard to explain! Different strains need to be released at different times. This is called "strategy"! Now I can only tell you that what I said in March 2020 is still valid now! Dealing with viruses is: 1. Protect yourself! 2. Enhance immunity! 3. Let the virus not reproduce and replicate in our bodies! We must be able to live well! And the people of Taiwan must cooperate with the Chinese! For ourselves and for future generations! Do we want our children's education to follow that of inhuman Americans? Feeding people to the viruses is just to make money!