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Who made Americans selfish and greedy?

August 6, 2022

The people of a country embody the leadership of that country! What does it mean? The people of a country are kind, benevolent, selfish, violent.... have a direct relationship with the leadership of this country! I've been in New York since I came to America, and I once said: I would want to help America because a white couple saved my life in 1997, and I promise God that I must help America! Of course I have to help Taiwan and China, because we are all Chinese! The Chinese will not like to see the Chinese beat the Chinese, and the Chinese will not want their compatriots to be caught in a war! Just like I will tell you that there may be a food shortage, I want you to prepare well! "War" is God's least favorite thing, but war is indeed the devil's favorite thing! Because without wars, there is no destruction!

Why do I hate Trump? Because the Trump administration has never said good to anyone! If Trump really believes in God, why does he have a space force? I really hate lies and deceit! Lies and deception belong to the ignorant and incompetent! The more ignorant and incompetent people are - the more lies and deceit! And Trump feels that lies and deception can take advantage of a group of Christians and a group of patriots, and ignorant people will not be able to distinguish the situation! And God wants to destroy America, what can I do? People want to destroy people, and of course a war will be triggered. Human war, of course I can try to stop it, but the country that God wants to destroy ~ no one can stop it! Like Sodom and Gomorrah, Abraham couldn't stop God from destroying Sodom and Gomorrah, but Abraham could save the righteous! Trump really considers himself a god! Who candidate needs his endorsement to be elected! A lot of people think I'm weird, why should I be the leader of New York when I don't do anything? Why am I not planning? Why am I not canvassing? Like why do I say: New York will independent, but I don't have to do anything? Because New York independence is not something I can do, why am I so tired? What God will do, He will do! What should I do for New York independent? I don't know if I can fight out AOC? As being a New York leader, what can I do? I don't have any money, and I don't want Trump's endorsement me, so what should I do? You know that take people's money to save people's disasters! If I take anyone's money, I have to owe favors and pay back favors! So, what am I going to do? Let God do it! I just tell you: what God wants to do, He must achieve it Himself!

(Matthew 15:14) Let them alone: ​​they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch. ~Why is the American Life Pain Index so high? And why are Taiwanese more and more miserable? Because the government corruption is very serious! Government corruption increases the suffering of the people! Like we used to have a pretty bad impression of Chinese people, why don't we like Chinese people? Because we feel that Chinese people are all selfish, and they are all selling themselves for money! And why did the Chinese become selfish? Because the Chinese government has always been corrupt! Why has China been different in recent years? Because China has been cleaning up "corruption"! Just like Russia, I have seen Russia after the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the people really have no food, the people are really miserable! Why can't I forgive Trump? Because there are too many deceit and too many lies in his heart! He is too corrupt and greediness!

Many friends who live in Manhattan have told me: Trump is really bad! Trump corruption is very serious! I really didn't know Trump was corrupt! Because all this time I have been brainwashed into thinking that this is a war between socialism and communism against democracy, but we are completely wrong! This is a spiritual war! This is a Christian war against the devils! We don't even know who the devil is! Many Christians have been helping the devil stand up! The lies of the Americans have labeled Xi Jinping and Putin as dictatorships. Will dictatorships make people's lives better than before? The dictatorship should be like America, the people are getting poorer! People are getting more and more selfish! There is no trust between people, only fights and interests, killing people for interests! That's how America is right now! Americans are full of lies, full of licentiousness, there is no moral bottom line, only constant destruction, and only unrestricted spread of lies! "Lies" are the hallmark of these leaders!

Trump clearly knows that the core problem of the United States is "corruption", but he has not solved the corruption problem, he has created more problems! He creates racial antagonism, he creates distrust, and he lies infinitely! A person who fears God will never be like him! Trump clearly shames God! How does Trump humiliate God? Mouth says fear of God, but keeps talking about aliens! Have we been deceived by many alien stories before? Trump said he believed in God, why can he even give the people such the hasty vaccines? Why is he EUA for the vaccines? Why does he endorse the vaccines? Trump fears God, why does he say: if people only ask him, he is willing to endorse that person! We Christians all know that God has the authority to establish and abolish kings! Perhaps, God does not have the right to vote on earth, but God can absolutely abolish kings and establish kings! Just look at the king of Babylon! And why does Trump say: If he endorses anyone, anyone will be elected! Is Trump a god? Trump is really crazy! These lunatics swept up by the lust for power! Those who follow him will definitely not be Christians who please God! Why does Trump decide whether a person can be elected or not? He is so proud, he sees himself so great than God! Trump can save America? Only God can! But God won't save America! America don't have 10 righteous! I even don't want to save America!

Jesus said: Leave them alone! A blind man who leads the way will fall into a pit! What is a blind man leading the way? These leaders have all been carried away by power and desire! These leaders feel that they can control everything, they can decide the life and death of the people, they feel that lies are the way to control the people! There is really a difference between Trump's administration and Biden's administration of the United States! Because Trump's administration has corrupted the United States, and Biden's administration is the last straw that crushes the United States! I said: God will destroy America! Because America is too evils! America is completely under the control of the black devils! Just like when I was in 1997, there were no Americans who could help people in New York, but there were still Americans who were willing to help people in more rural areas out of the state. now what? Now America is completely in the hands of liars and devils! Now America is fulled evils! The United States is more about lies and deception, and the United States can no longer find good Americans! This is why Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed! Sodom and Gomorrah didn't even have 10 righteous people! How many righteous people can there be in America? God wants to destroy America, but God will keep some independent cities, because as long as there are enough righteous people, God must be faithful! Why I say: I can't save America, but I can try to help New York! As long as we have 10 righteous people in New York, I believe God will keep this place!

New York is the capital of evil! Can New York be preserved? This is not something I can decide, but what I can do is to let more people know God! I believe that God must keep everyone who loves Him! As long as we focus on fearing God, we can surely be saved! The leaders we are talking to are not blind! The blind cannot see God! Blind people only use God! Blind people rely on themselves! The blind leading the blind must fall into the pit! Both Republicans and Democrats are blind bribery! They don't fear God at all! Are we willing to be led by them? Are we willing to go down to the bottomless pit with these black devils? God is so real, the book of Revelation has told us: the devil will be imprisoned in the abyss for a thousand years, do we really want to be imprisoned in the abyss for a thousand years? God is a God who searches hearts! God does not ask us to fight and kill, and God will not let us march and demonstrate for God, because God is God! It doesn't matter if anyone helps Him demonstrate on the platform! God does not need anyone to endorse Him! As long as we worship Him in spirit and truth, He must know, He must keep us alive, and He must save us! As long as we focus on prayer, focus on seeking the Word of God, and as long as we walk in the way that pleases God, we will surely be preserved and saved! I will always believe that God is a faithful God!