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Who made the Jews never have a savior?

September 5, 2022

Yesterday God asked me a question. This question should be a question that every Christian needs to ask ourself. God asked: Why is the world now so corrupt in the generation with the most Christians? I've been thinking about this too! Why is Christianity spreading to the present, which should be considered the heyday of Christianity, but the people's hearts are so evil? Moreover, the Bible has become the most published book in the world, and Christianity should have spread to no dead ends. Almost everyone in the streets should know that there is God and Jesus in this world. Why is this generation so evil? The generation we are in now should be the most evil generation in human history! Why do I say this: This generation is the most wicked generation in history? Because this generation is full of lies! This generation is: the ruler is not the ruler, the minister is not the minister, and the most important thing is that there is no human being! Kings are not like kings! Officials are not officials! Humans are not human at all! I think: people are not people and everyone should agree!

Yesterday I said to my mother: I boiled some Chinese medicine for our neighbors! She immediately scolded me: Don't be a good person anymore! When people don't thank you, they'll blame you! She said: They have money and children, they can go to the doctor by themselves, you don't have to worry about it! At that time, what should you do if people drink problems, or they frame you? I'm really pissed off! She's afraid the neighbors will frame me! In fact, I cook traditional Chinese medicine for my neighbors. I have tried drinking it several times. I feel uncomfortable. If I have a slight cough, I will cook traditional Chinese medicine because Western medicine is completely ineffective for cough! The neighbors have indeed taken a lot of western medicine, and it is completely ineffective! Myself have had a cough for 1-2 months, of course not during Covid, but a few years ago, I know the pain of coughing, so I am willing to help him cook Chinese medicine! The old man is also a neighbor, is it wrong to help each other? There is something wrong in my mother's mind! Because this is an evil generation! We are good to others, and we are often bitten back by them! That's why my mom scolds me! I'm always willing to help people when I'm not a Christian, so why do I need to be on guard everywhere when I'm a Christian? Mom is also a Christian, but why hasn't her spiritual life grown for more than 10 years old Christian? The most important question is: too many lies in Christianity! Christianity turned the bible into a cheating book! Christianity turns the worship of God into a means of earning money! Christians are lying more and more, and lies are becoming more and more popular, because Christians use the Bible to make money, and the lies are clearly written in the Bible!

(Matthew 28:1) In the end of the sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulchre.~What is a biblical lie? The Bible never lies, but these preachers, these church leaders and Christian leaders have been lying! No one of them admitted that Good Friday was Passover before, I really don't know how they read the bible? I was also rebuked by my pastor: Good Friday is not Passover! I also discuss this with other pastors and teachers, and Good Friday is Passover! This is clearly stated in the Bible! But why don't these pastors and church leaders recognize that Good Friday is not Passover? Because everyone hates Jews! No one wanted to give the salvation of Jesus to the Jews, so don't know when it started, Christianity turned Good Friday into Friday and Easter into Sunday! Let the salvation of Jesus have nothing to do with the Jews at all!

(Matthew 12:40) For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. (Matthew 20:19) And shall deliver him to the Gentiles to mock, and to scourge, and to crucify him: and the third day he shall rise again. ~If Good Friday is Friday and Easter is Sunday, this is totally inconsistent Jesus said: He will go down to hell for three days and three nights! These Christians who change Good Friday and Easter should be cursed, when in fact, Christianity has been cursed for over 1000 years! This is how more and more Christians are, but their hearts have become so evils that God can't stand it! We enter the book of Revelation because God can no longer tolerate the evil of mankind! The main purpose of these festival-changed Christian leaders was: to make the salvation of Jesus never come to the Jews! Let the Jews never see the Messiah! These three Scriptures are very important!

Matthew was a tax collector, the Gospel of Matthew was written by Matthew, and Matthew was a disciple of Jesus. He certainly remembered the numbers and Jewish festivals correctly! I've corrected many pastors, but they don't care about this big lie! If, you can change the Bible and festivals at will, and you can celebrate Easter and Good Friday, you are completely slapping Jesus in the generations! You are telling the world: Jesus lied! You totally take Christians and non-Christians for fools! You are truly dishonoring God's faithfulness! God has said: The words in the Bible cannot be changed, so the Bible has not changed much all the time! But you preachers just revise the meaning of the Bible, revise the meaning of God's Word, revise the feasts! These must be cursed! God's faithfulness never changes! Without the Creator, the Bible would have no existence value! If there is no creator,! We won't come to Revelation, and we won't have to fear the end of the day! However, only with the Creator can the prophecies of the Bible be fully fulfilled! The crucifixion of Jesus was the Passover! And the last supper is the Passover dinner! Those pastors who don't read the Bible and accuse me casually will be cursed! Because he denied that Jesus' last supper was the Passover meal in front of many people, and that they denied Jesus was the scapegoat for the Passover, these pastors should indeed be cursed! Finally, Jesus' Resurrection Day is the Harvest of FirstFruits! Pastors who haven't read the Old Testament - don't understand the Harvest of FirstFruits at all!

The first Scripture tells us that the Marys went to the tomb before dawn on the first day of the week, and Jesus had already left! Therefore, Jesus should have been resurrected on Saturday! We need to understand the Jewish festivals! The Jewish Sabbath is Friday night to Saturday afternoon! Therefore, most Jews do not travel on Friday nights, and they must not buy air tickets on Friday nights! This is quite important! And I keep saying: The Passover was Wednesday the year Jesus died, and Jesus was the Passover scapegoat! The Passover meal that Israel ate when fleeing from Egypt consisted of mutton and unleavened bread. The Israelites finished their meal on the 14th day of the first month and were driven out of Egypt in the middle of the night! And God established the fifteenth day of the first month as the Passover! Therefore, the correct Passover dinner should be the dinner on the fourteenth day of the first month, and the fourteenth day of the first month is the Feast of Unleavened Bread! Jesus said: He will be in Hades for three days and three nights! Therefore, Jesus was nailed to the cross on Wednesday and rose from the dead in the early morning of Saturday, which is completely in line with three days and three nights! Wednesday, Thursday, Friday - 3 nights! Wednesday afternoon, Thursday, Friday, Saturday morning resurrection ~ 3 days! The first Sabbath of Passover is the Harvest of Firstfruits!

The Bible never lies! The Bible never contradicts! There is absolutely no contradiction between the New Testament and the Old Testament! The real contradiction is that people's hearts are evils! Jesus kept telling his disciples that he would go to Galilee before they were gone! Do you know where Jesus went after he rose from the dead? It should be a Jewish synagogue! How could the Jewish priests make Jesus king? I believe God understands the weakness of the Jews! They crucified Jesus, and God allowed them and God forgave them, but the Jews were obsessed with that! Why was the Jewish state destroyed and the temple destroyed? Because the Jews are obsessed without remorse! The Jews did not simply deny that Jesus was the Messiah! The Jews did not agree that Jesus was the firstfruits at all! We should be more correct to say: the Jews themselves did not want salvation, but they also did not allow others to have salvation! Why is Christianity becoming more and more evils? Because we are all preaching "Antichrist"! Knowing that such a big mistake was made, these pastors turned the blind eyes and spread lies! If God is completely faithful, can He allow Himself to lie? Good Friday and Easter plainly dishonor God's faithfulness, and this lie turns the Bible into the lie about Jesus! Who would believe in Jesus who lied? Who would believe in God? If this lie has been circulating for 1,000 years, what faithfulness can God have? God's faithfulness is to destroy lies! Only by eradicating "lie" can Christianity be revived again! "Lies" and "greed" are the devils! And modern Christianity is raising the devils! We take "lies" as the Word of God! Make "greed" the lifelong goal of a Christian! God does not destroy Christianity, then God is really unjust!

***If the authenticity of the Bible is questioned, ask: Who will believe in the faithfulness of God?