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Who's ignorant?

October 5, 2023

When I was reading the Bible, I discovered an interesting thing: (Acts 27:14) But not long after there arose against it a tempestuous wind, called Euroclydon.~Aren’t we often naming typhoons now? The "puppy" turns out to be really big! It turns out that people 2000 years ago already knew how to name the wind! Therefore, there are many things that we think are modern technological civilization, but maybe the history of ancient civilization and technology are more advanced than modern times! One thing is certain: The survival methods they used in ancient times were definitely more "environmental" and "healthier" than modern times! If we belong to "backward technology", then do humans still need to be "proud and arrogant"? If ancient people knew how to "fear the Creator," then how can modern people with backward technology not fear God?

Many people say: Chinese Confucius denies "the existence of ghosts and gods"! Did Confucius really deny the "existence of ghosts and gods"? Confucius said: He don't say anything about the strange power and chaos! The Confucius said: "Respect ghosts and gods and keep them at a distance"! Confucius never denied "the existence of ghosts and gods"! What is more correct is: Confucius confirmed "the existence of ghosts and gods"! Why didn't Confucius talk about "ghosts and gods" with his students? We need to understand one thing: not everyone can understand "metaphysics", especially the so-called brainless scientists in modern times. They cannot understand "metaphysics" at all. If Confucius's teachings were biased towards "metaphysics", then Confucius's disciples would become "charlatans"! What did Confucius teach his disciples? Confucius taught his disciples "truth and morality", and Confucius could not let his disciples fall into another mystery! Just like Jesus said to his disciples: If I tell you about earthly things and you don’t believe it, will you believe when I tell you about heavenly things? And Confucius said: He did not talk about ghosts and gods, but Confucius never denied ghosts and gods! If Confucius denied ghosts and gods, he would not teach his disciples to "respect ghosts and gods and stay away from them"! We must believe in "ghosts and gods" before we can "keep a respectful distance" from them, Right?

American education has brainwashed children into being people without right or wrong, justice or truth! Why does American education dare to deviate so much " No moral conscience and money supremacy"? Because there is complete "atheism" in American education! The only god of Americans is "money"! I want to ask everyone: Which one needs money, "the devil" or "god"? If "God" needs "money" to survive, then this is not "God"! Let me ask you again: Which one, "devil" or "god", supports "justice" and "moral conscience"? Will the "devil" support "righteousness" and "moral conscience"? Of course the devil will not support "righteousness" and "moral conscience"! The devil uses "profits" in exchange to "control people"! If the devil supports "righteousness" and "moral conscience", how can people have "money" to exchange with the devil?

Let’s think about another question: If there is no “God” but only “the devil” in this world, will our life be better if we worship the devil? Of course it can't be better! The "devil" just keeps exploiting humans! There is no God and certainly no devil! Therefore, you don’t need to worship any idols at all! If there is no "God" in this world, everyone does not need to have a "moral conscience". The whole world should be like the United States: now, will start "beating, smashing, looting and burning", burning, killing and looting everywhere! I also don’t understand what the United States needs “laws” and “police” for? There are no "ghosts and gods" in the world, so what are you comparing to? Comparing "weapons" and "fists"! Americans can start paying no taxes! The American people will kill anyone they dislike! You go to resyaurants and then you just eat and run, don't need to pay. Because in the United States, "paying taxes" and "obeying the police and laws" are people who are unable to protect themselves! U.S. government officials got it wrong! "Law" is to "bind those who fear God"! For those who do not fear God, the law has no effect at all! When "law" has no "effectiveness", it is comparable to "force"! You should thank God! I believe God is real! If I don’t fear God today, these corrupt officials in the United States should all go to hell! But I know that if I solve the problem in my own way, it will be too slow! And they just don’t believe in God’s power! If He is the God of the past, present, and eternity, everything He does must have His most perfect plans!

All I can say is: The American people are pitiful and pathetic! Your life will be ruined by this nonsense education! American people! Think to yourself: Do you want to be a God-fearing person? Or do you want to believe your bullshit science, medicine, lying media and lying officials? As long as you sincerely fear God, your words and deeds will definitely change! Don’t worry that evildoers will not be punished! I can assure you: These corrupt officials in the United States will definitely "be miserable", but unfortunately: they will not die! Live in pain and panic! Wanting to die, but not being able to die, this is the portrayal of the future of these evil people! They must pay for the shedding of innocent blood, just like King David! No one can escape the judgment of God!