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Who sold America?

September 3, 2022

Wildfire to New York! People killed in New York! The weekend massacre is about to begin again! Why is every weekend a weekend of massacres? These murderers are very strange, do they work hard on normal days? Start killing people every weekend! Are there more people on weekends, and do they have a lot of chances to kill more people? The more kills, they get higher the bonus, and the jackpot is unlimited! So you have to hide at home. No! Accidentally said the wrong thing again, the home is not safe, and thieves often break into the room! Where is the safety? Here is a suggestion for you: homeless people should not sleep on the street, it is unsafe and ugly, you go to the township office buildings to sleep, it is safer there! And banks are usually pretty safe! The bank has heating in winter and air-conditioning in summer, it is really warm in winter and cool in summer! There are many bank fulcrums, but the bank is private and will drive you to sleep in the city town hall! Every city has a place where government departments work, which can be warm in winter and cool in summer during the day! At night, I will ask the government to open the government office building for you to sleep! Definitely better quality than shelter! It's okay to beg with government officials by the way. They have earned a lot of money undertable, and they can't spend it in 100 generations! All officials are stock gods, and all officials can use rotten land to create their own property market value. American land is sold to consortia as rotten land. They have an endless stream of natural gas and oil, and we have an endless stream of debts and homeless people!

I saw a great news from Bank of America: Buy a house with no down payment, that is, buy a house with no down payment! Is this a pie? Or a trap? Let me tell you how much dirty, black-box work the pie turns into a trap in America's banks! I used to buy a car without down payment and 0 interest rate, but I still choose down payment, why? Because I have to pay a high monthly payment without a down payment, and I have a down payment in mind, if I don't pay for the car, I will definitely spend the money before I know it! And I have to pay a high monthly payment every month, if I lost jobs and I have no money, which will definitely force me to cut off the payment, abandon the car, and then turn into bad credit! Thank the Lord! I having gritted my teeth for the car! Let's talk Bank of America pitfalls! We all know that mortgage interest rates are so high now that many people who can count have stopped buying houses. Why do banks issue 0 down payment? Of course, to stimulate the purchase of a house! The biggest source of income for banks - lending! Banks are legitimate loan sharks! The banks have higher the interest, the higher the income! And 0 down payment is not a pie, but a trap! We will borrow more money from the bank to buy a house, then we have to pay more interest! Why are Americans poor in math? Because Americans are all memorizing nonsense formulas, Americans are so bad in math, physics, and chemistry... It's hilarious! Most scientists and experts in the United States are immigrants. Why? I'll tell you later when I have a chance!

(Leviticus 25:23) The land shall not be sold for ever: for the land is mine; for ye are strangers and sojourners with me.(24) And in all the land of your possession ye shall grant a redemption for the land.~ Let's talk about "land" today! Whose land is in America? Of course the "earth" belongs to God! But the United States has a large land, and it is a land rich in resources. God now wants these wicked people in the United States to be punished by the wicked, because God does not want to punish the wicked at all, and it will tarnish the holiness of God! Why doesn't God punish the wicked? You understand now! We are all wicked, so God usually places us in the hands of worse people! God wrote clearly in Leviticus: The land shall not be sold forever! But what's going on in America now? The United States has a lot of resources on this land, and these resources are now in the hands of business giants, why?

America is different from China! China has stipulated that real estate has a limit of years, and China cannot buy and sell land! The real estate period is 40 years, 70 years, 90 years, and different regions have different requirements! China has already collected house tax once when real estate is bought and sold, and the house tax must be collected after the expiration of the number of years! The United States and Taiwan are both corrupt countries, and these officials use capitalism ~ unlimited corruption! Corruption in Taiwan is even more terrible! Taiwan has housing tax and land value tax. These tax rates are simply the result of corruption! When the government of a country needs to constantly use taxes to balance governments financial, it means that the country has serious corruption! Taiwan has to pay land value tax and housing tax every year, and the Taiwan government has no social responsibility for homeowners! So why is real estate in Taiwan getting more and more expensive, but the rent in Taiwan is not enough to cover these expenses, so rent collection becomes unsatisfactory! "Rent" reflects the cost of housing prices, and high rents mean high housing costs! Why does Bank of America encourage people home buying? On the one hand, it is to earn interest, and on the other hand, it is to harvest American's land!

Lend a lot of money first, then tighten your money, and many people will go bankrupt! The route we're taking now is the route they've pre-tested, remember the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers in 2008? These are the routes that have been previewed, including inflation, the result of war, the result of the outbreak of a nuclear war, these are the routes they have already simulated! And 0 down payment stimulates a large number of people to buy a house, life will be more difficult future, the unemployment rate will definitely skyrocket, the interest rate will be higher, the property value will naturally be dragged down, high inflation, high unemployment rate, many people will go bankrupt! This is when the banks start harvesting the leeks! Banks obtain real estate at low prices, they become the owners of real estate and land, and they sell them to business owners at high prices. If there are resources, they can cooperate with business owners to produce various resources such as oil and natural gas. These are all private property transfers to consortiums. One of the ways to join the consortium and controls America's land resources.

Banks and government departments have expectations and plans to exploit people! America has property taxes! There is no upper limit on property tax, and we have to pay as much as the government says it wants! The U.S. government is totally betraying the country! Because the real estate tax should be the same as China one time transaction, but they are charged with the common people every year! And they allow people to own land, but not their own property, is this a ridiculous policy? This policy is not funny! This policy is to betray America! What a terrible conspiracy that the resources on the land can become privately owned? The reason why America business giants can get rich depended on government laws to give them the green lights! Why do we people pay for the environmental pollution caused by the production of crude oil? Why do people pay for the damage caused by the electromagnetic waves of Wi-Fi base stations? Why are the oceans polluted by cargo ships and people all over the world pay the bill? Why do nuclear tests, weapons tests...etc. All pollution that damages the environment is paid by the people!

These business giants exploit America land resources, and they continue to consume and start production for the sake of profits. We must pay for these industries that destroy the environment! They put money in their pockets, and they are not responsible for the cancer and skin diseases of the nearby residents, various water pollution, air pollution, and soil and water conservation work! Is the U.S. government really qualified to sell U.S. land? Is the U.S. government eligible to put U.S. resources into private pockets? God said: The land shall not be sold forever! The earth is God's earth! Not the land of the US government! The U.S. government betrayed the country and exploited the people of the world like this, God will surely let them suffer the consequences! We can't get too close to them, let alone walk with them! American business giants have a lot of oil and natural gas resources, because these resources are absolutely sufficient in the United States! They took advantage of the strength of the dollar and sold oil and gas at high prices, and they have mading money more than several countries! They have destroyed Sri Lanka, and will soon be controlling and annexing Bangladesh, Pakistan... these small countries, the people are really pitiful! Americans Are we still supporting the government to scourge the world? We will not be better off ourselves! Let America government does whatever they want to sell America to business families!