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Who turned the little virus into the big devils?

September 7, 2022

It seems that Trump and his followers have been lying! Is the climate extremely hot? Does the Covid vaccine work? Why does Covid need masks? Why is Covid spreading in the US so terrible? Where did the Covid virus originate from? Has Bitcoin ever hit 100,000? Did oil prices go all the way up? I don't like people who keep fanning the flames! Trump is creating too much hatred! I don't like people who create hatred! Why do people have to use lies to create hatred between people? If a leader of a country does not hesitate to lie in order to achieve his goals, there is something wrong with the character of the leader! "Character" is the soul of a person! People who have no character do everything that must be wrong! A person without character, who leads anyone, or his followers are without good character! Covid should not spread out in America! And America shouldn't have Covid at all! And why can Covid never stop? These articles I wrote two years ago have already been written, so I won't repeat them! The most pitiful person is ~ Long-Covid! This is the pain of a lifetime! We experience inflation now, and the days of poverty will always pass, and those who suffer from Long-Covid will be plagued by Covid for a lifetime! Who gets the Long-Covid? They vaccinated or not? Do a "scientific" data survey! Stop talking nonsense! (Sorry! I really hate liars and greedy people!)

Yesterday I saw that Ukrainians would rather die in battle than be refugees. Why? Why are there so many refugees recently? If we think about it carefully, it is all the fault of the Pandemic! If we had the right guidance from the beginning, if the ignorant leaders of each country did not act arbitrarily, Covid would never have become a worldwide pandemic, much less a serious injury to our economy! I never thought people would be so stupid, and the whole world is stupid! RNA virus can be prevented at all, this is not an amazing virus at all, but human beings have indeed turned this little virus into a big devil! The stupidity and pride of human beings are often the reasons for killing ourselves! Covid is over! Don't be scared to death by this little virus! God's hand is at work! Humanity is bound to move towards the direction of 2 billion people! There are very few things I can do. We must have a bottom line in our hearts. There are 2 billion people left, which is 1/3 of the world's population! This is God's most forgiving number! God has always been merciful to us and given us the opportunity to repent, but human beings are always "deceiving themselves"! Zelensky went to church to pray, just like Trump's prayer meeting ~ show! Are you kidding God? God is a God who searches people's hearts! People look at you as the great shows, but God looks at people's hearts!

(Revelation 9:6) And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them.(7) And the shapes of the locusts were like unto horses prepared unto battle ; and on their heads were as it were crowns like gold, and their faces were as the faces of men.(8) And they had hair as the hair of women, and their teeth were as the teeth of lions.(9) And they had breastplates, as it were breastplates of iron; and the sound of their wings was as the sound of chariots of many horses running to battle.(10) And they had tails like unto scorpions, and there were stings in their tails: and their power was to hurt men five months. ~ Saw a locust in California! Suddenly thinking of those passage of Revelation, we are really in the realm of wanting to die but not being able to die! Many people get Long-Covid, they want to die, but they simply can't because God has said: death is far away from us! And this locust has appeared, and the apocalypse will definitely continue! All we can do is avoid being stung by this locust! This kind of pain should not be uncomfortable! "Suicide" may seem easy, but suicide does require a lot of courage! Can suicide by jumping off a building really solve the problem? Of course not!

Each of us is now in a dilemma that we cannot die! In fact, I often ask God: How long will I have to endure this kind of life? How long am I going to put up with these beasts? God only gave me one word: People who endures to the end will be saved! The days I am experiencing now are the days I have never experienced in my life! I never imagined that the whole world would become a world without right and wrong, without morality, without justice! We can't find the righteous! Churches are fighting each other for money! Church pastors don't care whether the life of the congregation grows or not, church pastors only care whether there are pastors robbing their own sheep! Moreover, the pastors are telling lies and faults with each other, which is really shameless! There is also a group of church pastors who have joined forces to deceive. They revise the truth of the Bible in order to package a few famous pastors, so that the church can grow and attract more congregations! The church is a cabaret theater! Those pastors come on stage every week to perform song and dance shows, they have no idea what the congregations need? Why the more Christians, the more corrupt the churches! Because the Christian life has not changed at all!

When I was little, I rarely worry about money! Our family is not very wealthy, but we can really get by! You ask me now and before, I would rather choose the old days! Now that we are so dependent on machines, we have abolished the meaning of our lives! When we were kids we rode bikes and walked! When we were kids we wrote by hand! When we were kids, we would roast meat and sweet potatoes in the field, we would take lantern adventures with our little friends, we would catch tadpoles and frogs, we would catch dragonflies and scarabs! When we were kids we didn't have cell phones, we didn't have computers, but we had a lot of fun! Because we can be with nature! And there is no scheming between friends and friends, we are all people who can communicate honestly with each other! To tell the truth: When we were young, we didn't care about material things, we care more about "sincere communication with each other"! Our relationship was not online, but real life!

We used to eat quite frugally before! Our family is not very wealthy, and having a meal of meat every day is considered good! And for the Chinese New Year, my mother must be very prepared! We have been looking forward to the New Year and the festival since we were young, because we have new clothes for the new year, and the family will be very lively. Family and friends gather to play mahjong and cards, not about winning or losing, but about the lively feeling! We are usually busy with our jobs everyday. Only during the Chinese New Year, when all of us can meet together, we will cherish the opportunity to meet during the New Year! Do the many convenient communication systems nowadays really shorten the distance between people? We can use the phone and the Internet to achieve easier ways to communicate, but we are getting farther and farther apart from each other! The distance between people is not the physical distance, but the distance of the "heart"! "Internet" does make people farther and farther away from each other!

The "Internet" spreads too much false information! The Internet is full of deceit and scams! Many people think that the information they get from the Internet is true, but it is actually lies! In the past, the information we got was from radio and television, and radio and television could not spread too much false information, because they were supervised by the whole people the country, and if these false information were released to the public, they would definitely be sentenced! Now the "Internet" has become a hotbed of evil! Many false information spreads from a point, to a line, and finally to a surface, and Internet false information can be successfully deceived everyone! One person spreads the wrong message, 100 people will hear it, and finally the whole world believes the lies! "The Internet" is good or bad, I can't say it all! But the lies will not stop by itself, the lies must be rejected by ourselves! And I like the era when material was not wasted in the past! We just spent whatever we needed not whatever we wanted! We all use the machine as an aid, and now we are completely dependent on the machine! We really have to ask ourselves: What is our purpose in our life? Eat, drink and wait to die? A lifetime of work is to change a coffin! Do we really need to pay for a coffin for the rest of our lives? Why can Trump deceive successfully? Why don't liars have to pay? Because we are all selfish and unjust people! Liars and villains can flourish because we don't care others! The Covid virus is over! Not by vaccines! Not by drugs! We have to end the virus by ourselves! Take precautions! There are countless viruses in the world ready to be released, can we continue to wait for a vaccine? Can we continue to lock-down our cities and lock-down our economic activities? The government sucks! We don't need to believe in them and they think us as foolish people! There are too many sluts in this world! To turn yourself into a jerk is to practice yourself! Inflation so stop to waste food and money! Energy crisis, drive less and dress warmer in winter! Protect yourself! You can kill the devil if you have your health life! Let's fight for 2 billion people! Remember to be justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with God! It's the only way to survive!