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Why all elders died?

January 7, 2023

It's really shocking to see this death statistic! Thank God! Many people said: The weather in New York is abnormal! Wear short sleeves in January! We have had nice weather recently, about 50 degrees or so! The NYC weather has always been the reason I love being in NYC! I don't like Florida because it's too humid, just like Taiwan! Many things are prone to mold! New York can be humid sometimes too! No matter what: everyone take good care of yourselves! The number of deaths has risen to 2,000 a day, which may be 3-4 days of data, but 500 deaths a day is quite scary! The hospital is sure to be full, and cross-infection is bound to happen! There are multiple viruses! We all need to protect ourselves! Remember when God gave me first: polio virus! Then, I have told everyone: there will definitely be more serious viruses! Finally, let me reveal another message: God has chosen New York! His work, He must do it Himself!

A few days ago, I was talking about population with my friends: the data we see now are not real data! We have to understand one thing: If fraudsters want to commit fraud...they must make fake data! And the real data of the death toll was all covered up! We can't just trust online data now! If I were Russian President Vladimir Putin... I would definitely play games! There is a kind of game called "just counting"! Putin should read the book of Joshua. Joshua attacked Ai and killed 36 people. Why did people die? Because they took what was pawned! Putin raised oil prices and raised energy prices around the world, perhaps a turning point in the war! High oil prices, high inflation... What will happen to the American people? There are no good men and women in America! Americans will do it because their own profits are damaged! Americans are pretty selfish! It's none of your business, hang on high! There is another situation for Americans to do it - they can't survive! Biden and Putin are attacking the United States internally and externally. This may be a fatal blow to the collapse of profits groups! New Yorkers wake up! Don't believe any big Republican liars... Down with "profits groups"! "profits elite groups" are the public enemy of the whole world! "Profits elite groups" have caused corruption in our government! "Corrupt government" people's life is worse than death!

And why do they want to kill the "elder people"? Because: 1. The elderly believe that "money" is the most reliable, and every elderly person has saved enough pension for themselves, and the old person is dead! The money falls into the hands of the bank! Everyone in Taiwan knows how much money the banks confiscated from the elderly! Safe deposit boxes, all kind bank account, bank loans...all cannot be claimed! 2. The elderly don’t have much cash at home, they feel safer in the banks! Many elderly people have sold their properties and saved enough money of 1-2 million in the banks in order to retire life for themselves! The elderly usually eat interest and will not make other investments! 3. The elderly generally buy funds! And the death of these old people, all financial products related to pensions, long-term care and retirement accounts ~ stop spending! How much will this be? Now you understand why the developed countries all over the world want to kill the elderly! China now is like beginning Covid 3 years ago in New York. China has a lot of unhealth and poor people died! Probably that is good for economic for China! Covid viruses is killed : 1. Poor, 2. Unhealthe people 3. Stuipid people believe greedy scientists and politicans!