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Why are Jews hateful?

October 12, 2023

Middle Eastern countries should not act rashly, God will give you justice! Don't believe the Jews, don't believe Israel, this country controls the world's media, these people are just like American politicians: Sacrificing the whole world for "profits"! Being ruthless is not human! Many people ask me: Why are Jews not welcome everywhere? Why doesn’t the whole world like Jews? Jews are really annoying! I don't like Jews either! The Jews are rich, but their behavior is truly shameful! I have deal with many Jews. I have Jewish classmates and teachers at university, and I have Jewish businessmen at work. After reading the Bible, I completely understand why the Jews are so annoying!

Israel is Jacob! Why did Hitler want to exterminate the Jews? Because even God wants to destroy the Jews! God is merciful! Otherwise the Jews would have been exterminated long ago! Never believe the Jews. They deny the existence of God, which means that we turn away from God, so that God cannot save us! The name "Israel" means: Victory against both God and man! But Israel’s hamstring was broken and he had be lame for the rest of his life! Jacob is a man who will do whatever it takes to get benefits! Jacob deceived his twin brother Esau, his father Isaac, and his uncle Laban! Jacob probably never did a single good thing in his life! Just like King Solomon, who never did a good thing in his life, maybe Ecclesiastes and Proverbs are Solomon's only achievements! Israel’s only achievement was “Joseph”! Joseph saved the lives of many people during the drought, and the Israelite family was able to enter Egypt!

There were several times when Jehovah God wanted to destroy the Israelites: When Moses was in the wilderness, the Israelites complained that there was no water! The Israelites thought of God as a “golden calf”! These are enough to wipe out the Israelites! The Israelites are evil! They are the Pharisees mentioned in the Bible! They do not want to enter heaven themselves, they close the door to heaven and prevent others from entering heaven! The Israelis are the Jews today, and most of the black-hearted businessmen now follow the Jews! In the Jewish world: there is no "family relationship and trust", only "profits and money"! There is nothing wrong with "making money", but the Jews have completely lost their "moral conscience" and all they earn is "black money"!

Jews think they are smart! Nothing can be covered up! Nothing is hidden from God! The Jews have launched two world wars: The first war is the "Covid virus war"! This is the first war waged by the Jews against the world! The Second World War "Financial War"! We are still in the midst of a financial war! The Jews are also planning the third world war, which is the "physical war" that is about to start! The Jews have long used "internet messages" to carry out "brainwashing policies" around the world! It means clearly knowing that Jews are wrong, but "passing the mistakes" to innocent people! This is Trump’s usual tactic! I affirm the ugliness of the American people when it comes to Trump and Trump supporters! In order to cover up "Trump's mistakes", they did not hesitate to sacrifice the people. They covered up the "truth about vaccines"! Why do I no longer join any activities in the "Republican Party"? I don’t like “lying”, let alone “lies”. I will not offend God for a group of “devils”! Trump regards himself as a god and fools the people! Trump and his followers must get their comeuppance!

Why do Jews have no friends and neighbors around the world? Is the world so big that there is no place for Jews? The Jews are really pathetic! You are lying to yourselves! You control the medias, control academia, control the financial sector, control every corner, and spread the message that you are "good people" to the people! People can see for themselves, and we can judge for ourselves! Just like the ugly things Trump has done, of course fools will continue to believe Trump, but are the whole world fools? Why did Jacob later leave his uncle? Why is no one willing to accept Jews? Jews, do you still think there are problems all over the world? "Jews" your education has made you hate each other! You think "money" can control the world! Before you accuse others, think about yourself first, and then ask yourself why? If there is "no God" in this world, "lies" can become "truth"! But there is a Creator in this world. Lies are always created by the devil, and the devil is the one who creates lies! Do you know why Jews are annoying? No one would like to have a devil as their neighbor or friend! No one likes to deal with the devil! Why don't I like Trump? Because I don’t like lies, let alone the devil who lies a lot! Biden sucks, but don’t forget: Biden is honest! Biden even told Trump: They cheated in the election! If you ask me how to choose between: "honest and incompetent fool" and "smart and cunning liar"? This is my current choice: honest incompetent fool! In the past I chose to be a liar! We must remember that the "devil" is always pushing the limits! The "devil" will eat our moral conscience and enslave us for the rest of our lives! Being with the devil never ends well! Everyone will die! Think again: Do we want our children and grandchildren to be like the Jews? Rich, but hated by the whole world! Jews have money, but no “passion” at all! Jews life just for money.......Jews are involved in: loan sharking, gambling as bookmakers, drug trafficking, organ trafficking, weapons trafficking, human trafficking... As long as they can make money, Jews are doing it! In the eyes of the Jews, there is only "money"! This is a completely honest statement! Think to ourselves: Why have Jews been hated for thousands of years?

****Thinking carefully, if Jews truly love people around so many people hate you?