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Why can lies be published in medias?

November 16, 2023

The Israeli-Palestinian war has torn apart the last "fake skin" of mankind! Israel should have the "right to self-defense" if 1,200 people died! The 12,000 people who died in Palestine should be used as cannon fodder! There are still 2 million Palestinian people struggling as cannon fodder! Is the real purpose of Israel's attack on Palestine "self-defense"? Everyone knows Sima Zhao’s heart! Israel sacrificed 1,200 Israeli people, and even sacrificed all Israeli and American hostages in order to occupy "Palestine"! Why occupy "Palestine"? Occupying Palestine can control the "Zurich Canal"! Occupying Palestine can control the "Middle East"! When Netanyahu said: Israel's elimination of Hamas is to protect "peace in the Middle East"! I almost burst out laughing at this great historical joke! Netanyahu is not only ignorant and arrogant, he also treats everyone as the fools and allows people to be deceived with his all lies! I told myself: Never get angry with liars, because liars are shameless! The United States is also a bunch of liars. If you get angry with the liars, you may get angry to death hundreds of millions of times!

When I see old photos of Palestine, I can only say: The Palestinian people are quite pitiful! As the saying goes: A weasel giving New Year greetings to a chicken is unkind minds and unkind! The most weasels do is pay New Year greetings to chickens and eat them! But Palestine allowed Israel to enter Palestine, and the Palestinian people were abused for 56 years! I discovered: There is no "animal" that can be like "things" as Israel. Even animals in this world are kinder than Israel! There is also a group of devils who "open their eyes and tell lies"! What do they say? The Palestinian people are Hamas! The Palestinian people are not Hamas, but Israel has turned the whole world into Hamas! Israel and those devils who tell lies, please listen clearly: You do never value the lives of the people, and the people will not value your lives either! You are nothing special! If you trample on the people's live, you will also be trampled on the same ways! Your blood will turn into the stinkiest wine dregs! This is written in the Book of Revelation! Why did the "Israeli-Palestinian War" tear off the last piece of human painting? Because shameless people always use "morality" to package themselves, but when their hypocrisy is torn off, they are seen to be "worse than animals"!

What happens when "robbers" become "world policemen"? "Robbers" become "world policemen", this is "just what they want"! Robbers can disguise themselves as police officers and rob homes and properties everywhere! The policeman said: You are wrong! They must be arrested by the police! There are many things we have not thought about that mankind are so dark, but the world and history are indeed so dark! The "World Policemen" is not used to maintain "world peace", the "World Policemen" is used to "legally rob the whole world"! The "World Policemen" work for the "Capital Consortiums"! The "world policemen" do not work for "poor people"! Now everyone understands: Why is the gap between rich and poor in the United States getting wider and wider? Why is the gap between rich and poor getting worse around the world? We often ask: What exactly is the “United Nations” doing? The "United Nations" is a "front agency"! Why does the "United Nations" have to be "in name only"? Because the "United Nations" endorses the "World Policemen", it has greater rights! What can the United Nations do? The United Nations can do nothing! The United Nations doesn’t even have money to help “food poor” countries! "Food-poor" countries receive supplies from the United Nations and immediately become the property of "corrupt officials"! Why are these countries that receive funding from the United Nations always so "poor" and even poor more than before!

There are many "poor people" in the United States! Why "poverty"? There are many reasons for "poverty"! Most of the "poverty" is deliberately "created" by the government! Just like the American policy, many people complain: Why can poor people have cars and houses without having to work? Why do so many people work hard all their lives and yet remain so poor? This is "poverty caused by national policies"! This is what we all have always envied: the social welfare policies of Europe and the United States! "Social welfare policy" cannot be "abused"! Just like Taiwan's "National Health Insurance" was originally well-intentioned, but now it has become a "cash machine for corrupt officials"! "Poor people" are not caused by the environment, but by government policies! Some people work hard all their lives, but if they are all exploited by the government, who would still want to work? Why are more and more elderly people in Japan committing crimes and going to jail? Because they have no way to support themselves in old age, they can only get free food, accommodation and medical care by going to prison! Why are European and American countries closing prisons? Because "there are too many criminals", the cost of "prison" is too high! This is why "$0 purchases" are so popular in the United States! Can "criminals" solve their problems by relying on "prison"? There are many "criminals" who are not "real criminals", they are just "ordinary poor people who are too poor to survive"! The "criminal and prison theory" of European and American countries is as shameless and nonsense as their "Hamas and Palestinian people theory"! Who caused "Hamas"? Who caused the "criminals"? In European and American countries, you hypocritical, disgusting, and lower-than-animal politicians, shouldn’t you review yourselves? Lie again! Waiting for your death! Your tongue will be under eternal punishment! These disgusting politicians in Europe and the United States just have no Creator in their hearts, so anything they do is worse than animals!

I remember when I was a kid, I often heard adults say: Don’t lie! In the future, when you die, your tongue will be cut out, and your tongue will be stretched out and burned in a pan. How scary! We usually get so painful when we are burned in our tongue. How miserable would it be if our tongue was repeatedly burned in a frying pan? Therefore, I have never dared to lie since I was a child! Now in the United States has completely shattered my 3 views! I remember signing a US visa before, but I didn’t dare to tell a lie! When applying for a green card, credit card, or citizenship, we don’t dare to lie! Now I realize that those politicians are "liars"! We are often deceived: If Americans are found to be lying, they will never believe you again! Therefore, I don’t lie when doing business! I really never thought about it: Israel has abused the Palestinian people for 56 years, which is older than me! This means that many people are abused to death from birth! Hearing those politicians talk nonsense makes me think again and again: Why are they allow to lie to people again and again? And they can openly lie to the medias? The U.S. President lies and never pays for their fruads! Has no one exposed their lies? Even though people exposed their lies, but people still believe them! No one will expose their lies, and they are all a "robbery and fraud group"! Liars do not need to worship God because God will not believe your lies! Don't believe liars any words!