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Why did the Jews changed the calendar?

November 29, 2022

When I read Exodus, I read the passages, and I began to think about the relationship between the Chinese and the Egyptians, and the relationship between the Chinese and the Creator! Egypt was founded on agriculture! China is also based on agriculture! Egypt relies on the fertile land of the Mesopotamia - the Euphrates and the Tigris! And China is also the fertile land of two river basins - the Yellow River and the Yangtze River! We never thought about the relationship between China and Egypt, and we never thought about the relationship between the Jews and the Chinese! But the content recorded in the Bible is so interesting that I can't help but associate these things together! If there is a chance that these stories can be made into videos, you will know how wonderful and great the Bible is!


(Exodus 12:22) And ye shall take a bunch of hyssop, and dip it in the blood that is in the bason, and strike the lintel and the two side posts with the blood that is in the bason; and none of you shall go out at the door of his house until the morning. ~ I wonder if you have heard the story of "Nian" when you were young? This is the story of the Jewish "Passover"! Why do Jews have a Passover? That is, God wanted the Jews not to be slaves to the Egyptians. God used the ten plagues to bring the Jews out of Egypt, but the Pharaoh never let the Israelites leave Egypt. In the end, God used his trump card to destroy the firstborn of the Egyptian male! This is the origin of the Jewish "Passover"! Many people say that the Bible is not scientific. If you study the history carefully, you will find that there were many female pharaohs in ancient Egypt. Why? Because the firstborn of all the males in Egypt were destroyed during the Passover! Exterminate both firstborn male of animals and people! It is terrible indeed to offend God!

Let's talk about the story of the Chinese "year"! In our Chinese legend, there is a monster called "Nian". It often makes troubles, and people can't destroy it! One day, a person said: Put red couplets on the door frame, because God wants to destroy the monster "Nian", and if you put red couplets, "Nian" will not go in and hide in your house, God will not destroy your home! Therefore, as soon as the Chinese New Year arrives, we start posting Spring Festival couplets in every household! Let's see what God told Moses to tell the Israelites to do: the lintel and the left and right doorposts were marked with red blood, and the destroying angel would jump over the family! There seems to be a discrepancy between our "Nian" and the story of the Passover's destroying angel, but the Chinese and the Jews do the same thing, surround the door frame with red, why? And we posted Spring Festival couplets during Chinese New Year and have been passed down to this day? In fact, the story of our "Nian" and the story of "Passover" are not contradicted at all, and they are consistent!


We need to know: Moses asked Pharaoh to let the Israelites leave Egypt, how many disasters did God bring to Egypt before the Passover? And the "Nian" spread by us Chinese has been causing chaos and has been unable to calm down. The last time to calm down is to post Spring Festival couplets! Why do we post Spring Festival couplets during Chinese New Year? And when the "Nain" monster left, we started setting off firecrackers! This is the origin of the traditional Chinese New Year pasting Spring Festival couplets and setting off firecrackers! Not only do I want to tell you today: Many of our Chinese customs are directly related to the Bible! But too many things can only be said slowly! What I don't understand the most is ~ why do the Jews modify the calendar? The Jewish Passover should be the fifteenth day of the Jewish first month, which is our Lantern Festival! But now the Jewish Passover has become our Lunar March 15th! The Jews will not modify the Bible because they know that they will be cursed for life and death if they modify the Bible, but they can modify the calendar! Jews like to exploit loopholes, and they do all kinds of evil!


Do you find it very strange why the Jews have to modify the calendar? Why am I sure that Jewish re-amend the calendar? Because the Chinese are based on agriculture, our peasant calendar is formulated according to seasons and seasons, and the "peasant calendar" of spring plowing, summer planting, autumn harvest, and winter storage is quite accurate! The story of the "Passover" has always been spread by the Jews, which is really related to our traditional Chinese New Year's story, so, I believe that the Jews have changed the calendar! As for when they will change the calendar? I do not know either! Maybe it's Solomon's time! Because Solomon began to have historians! The Jews are indeed more deceitful! Anyone who has done business with the Jews knows that the Jews are quite deceitful! All of us can think about this story, and we can also think about the relationship between the Creator and the Chinese? And does the Creator really exist?