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Why is Argentina bankrupt?

December 21, 2023

Saw a very funny video! Introducing the most livable cities in the United States! These city introductions all revolve around "big companies"! The most livable cities in the United States are those with more "big companies". Is this really true? In fact, they are targeting the "unemployment rate". There are many large companies in the United States, and the relative unemployment rate is relatively low! Have you ever thought about: What is the relationship between "unemployment rate" and "population density"? "Unemployment rate" most directly reflects "population density"! "Population density" has a significant relationship with unemployment rate. Many people call themselves "experts", but I wonder how they got the title of "expert"? Just like Argentine President Milai, so miserable! A week after Milai took office, and then Argentina's disaster would come! Inflation surges rapidly in Argentina! Argentina goes bankrupt all the time. People must be very used to bankruptcy, right? The people of Argentina can’t survive. I didn’t understand that Argentina still has a lot of airports. I really don’t know why Argentina builds airports. Milei is an expert in economics, but within a week of taking office, the expert was ready to kick out by people!

The situation in Argentina is just like Ukraine! "Argentina" and "Ukraine" are like the "giant babies" of this generation! What is a "giant baby"? That is, the body is an adult body, but the mind is a baby mind! There are many "giant babies" in our generation! American education has turned Americans into "giant babies"! Big baby countries like Argentina and Ukraine can only "cry" and "stretch out their hands to beg", which is very sad! Argentina was originally a major agricultural country, and Argentina and Ukraine are both major agricultural countries! Ukraine has inherited many "high-quality assets" from the Soviet Union. Ukraine is a prodigal baby! UKRAINE don’t manage agriculture well, they just want to achieve success in one step. Finally, how miserable would it be to sell off the high-quality assets left by the Soviet Union and ask Ukrainian women to sell their uteruses? Argentina is a major agricultural country in South America. Basically, the Argentine people have nothing to worry about. Why does Argentina go bankrupt again and again? The bankruptcy of Argentina that economic style is the same as the United States!

The United States and European countries all rely on "debt to survive"! The United States, Europe, and Argentina all borrow money to survive, but Argentina is not the United States and European countries! All I can say is: Argentina does not have a smart president, they are all idiots! A person must first understand his own position, so that he will not "imitate others"! Why does Argentina borrow debt? Argentina must pay "high interest" to borrow money. How will Argentina pay "interest"? Argentina uses "food" to pay "interest", so when can Argentina pay off the principal? Corruption in Argentina is too serious! Argentina is the same as Ukraine - corruption is too serious! This is why Ukraine sells the assets of the former Soviet Union and why women sell their uteruses!

Both "Argentina" and "Ukraine" have problems with their core leaders! They are not just "greedy", they are simply "bad"! Totally evil! Why are Argentina and Ukraine in debt? Because the government uses "debt and corruption"! What's the meaning? The government turns "national debt" into "private assets" through "massive borrowing"! Do you understand now why Argentina and Ukraine are poor? Both Argentina and Ukraine have "poor people" and "rich government officials" as America, UK and Europe! I can tell the people of Argentina and Ukraine: You must get rid of your governments! Otherwise you will never have a good life! Your land is enough for you to be self-sufficient, but your "liabilities" will drag down your generations! Your only option: bankruptcy! Your currency can no longer be used! You must use RMB! Never use U.S. dollars! Why? Because the U.S. dollar is not a gold standard! The "US dollar", "Euro" and "UK pound" are all supported by their own hegemony! Argentina and Ukraine must give up their own currencies and must choose a "gold standard" currency, or trade with "gold" and "grain"! Only in this way can the bleeding really be stopped! Overthrowing the corrupt government is the most important thing!

Why can Europe and the United States borrow? Because Europe and the United States are world hegemons! When will Europe and the United States go bankrupt? When everyone no longer believes in the US dollar and the Euro, the United States and Europe will naturally go bankrupt! Just like the British pound once devalued quite seriously! The U.S. dollar,Eeuro and UK pound are not "gold standards". They all rely on their own "international hegemony" to maintain their currency status! This is why the US, Europe and the UK are all indebted countries, but they are not like Argentina, Ukraine, Indonesia, Sri Lanka and Venezuela! The currencies of these countries rely on "industrial support", while the US dollar, Euro and UK pound rely on "military support"! When there is no longer strong demand for US dollars, Euros and UK pounds, what is "strong demand"? This is the economic source of these countries! Why can the US dollar, Euro and UK pound be "strong"? Because many countries need "weapons" and "energy"! "Weapons" and "energy" are the reasons why the U.S. dollar, Euro and UK pound can borrow!

"Money Game" is fun! I like money the most! Why can the U.S. dollar, Euro and UK pound sterling be able to "print and borrow money" at will? Because there are people who take "U.S. debt", "European debt" and "British debt", of course they can print money and borrow money! You say: Can Argentina and Ukraine print and borrow money at will? If it is possible, Ukraine no longer needs to sell assets and uterus! Who takes their debts? It is important to know your position and situation clearly! Argentina and Ukraine are two giant babies. Let me ask: What else does Zelensky have to sell? Zelensky will become a criminal in Ukrainian history! I want to tell you: "Unemployment rate" is related to "population density"! The higher the "population density", the higher the "unemployment rate"! The "unemployment rate" cannot reflect the people's "happiness index" at all! High population density means high employment opportunities! Why is the unemployment rate so high in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou? Why are all rural areas fully employed? Because the "nature of work" and "employment position" are different! America is hopeless! The United States is waiting for God to punish! These American officials are so hateful and proud! Use God’s name to do evil and wait for God to take them out! China should develop more "community service industries"! Because how can China’s population density be compared with that of the United States? Never copy the United States, you will definitely fail! The United States needs "labor intensive" but China does not! The most important thing about high population density is "division of labor"! Why is China's economy so bad now? Because everyone is "crazy"! The government launches "community service" industry in rural areas! This can drive prosperity in rural areas and also allow urban populations to flow to rural areas! Rural areas are not just for farming and reclaiming wasteland! Carry forward traditional culture (talk about it tomorrow)!