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Why we had the World Wars?

October 1, 2022

Why learn martial arts? Remember that we used to have high moral requirements for those who learn martial arts! People who "learn martial arts" must "hoe the strong and help the weak", but modern people do not learn martial arts, so the moral level of modern people has dropped sharply! "Martial arts" is used to destroy evil people and protect good people, and what we modern people want is weapons! Weapons can be bought with money. What unmorality can there be in buying weapons? You can buy guns everywhere in the United States, and you can own a gun when you are 18 years old. The requirements for gun buyers are not as good as the requirements for car buyers! Are "guns" a necessity for people's livelihood? Why don't you need a gun's license to buy a gun? Why buy a gun without buying super expensive insurance? You know that in America no car is no feet! Why does New York still have traffic jams despite the convenience of public transportation? I don't know if America doesn't have guns the same as having no hands? Why are there so many guns in America? It's like New York is full of sin! All the reasons are the corruption of government officials!

Just drove, 495 is construction the road again! The New York government loves reconstructions the roads again again! The New York government is always doing some stupid constructions that make people speechless! A road can be reconstructions for decades, and this road never passes normally, this is the great Williamsburg Bridge! There are also 495 highways that can be reconstructions 365 days a year, just 300 days of road construction, and the result is 495 always traffic jams every day! When is the road not being construction? Holiday days! Sunday plus a big holiday, Saturday of course to be roads constructions! Deliberately let people see how diligent the New York government is! American officials just love to show off! They have no idea what the role of US officials is? What they care about is how much benefits can they get in this position? And what they do is ~ hereditary! Hereditary what? How hereditary corruption! How hereditary makes more money from stocks! Why are there so many stock gods among US government officials? Why is life of Americans getting harder and harder? Why is the middle class not having the good life? Why can't Americans raise kids? Why do Americans have to work more than 2 jobs? Why are these slaves our waste officers get paid so much? Why are officials all stock gods? Think for yourself the answer!

(Proverbs 28:25) He that is of a proud heart stirreth up strife: but he that putteth his trust in the LORD shall be made fat. ~ Proverbs says: A greedy heart will stir up strife! Remember, when we learned martial arts in ancient times, the teacher would definitely tell us: learning martial arts is not for fighting! If you have martial arts, you can't easily show your martial arts! The purpose of our martial arts is to protect good people and punish bad people! And the first thing every martial artist must learn~ You can't take it lightly! Not to be angry easily! Because we know that if we get angry, we will easily take action, and people with strong martial arts will definitely kill people! What do we find out about having weapons? The purpose of having weapons is not to protect yourself, but to control others! Look at the great America! The United States and Russia have the strongest nuclear weapons, and the United States is the only country in the world to use nuclear weapons! How useful are "nuclear weapons"? Look at two atomic bombs knocking down Japan! Japan has been obediently daring to act rashly and follow the United States! Therefore, if you have weapons, you don't need to have morals. If you have weapons, just dare to use them! Make sure that no police officer dares to bully people having the weapons!

Why greed in the heart to stir up disputes? God has a very important rule of law: the boundaries of the earth cannot be moved! Why does God say: The boundaries of the earth cannot be moved? Why can't the land be sold forever? Because God's law is that the earth belongs to God, we are all aliens, and none of us can have eternal sovereignty over the earth! If God wants a certain place to become a wasteland, it will inevitably become a wasteland. Who dares to say that I have eternal sovereignty over the earth? Let's take a look at these world wars! Why was there the world wars? Because of "greed"! Did God say anything wrong? God is absolutely right! Because of greed, disputes arise! Could there have been a first or second world war if it wasn't for land and resources? Even the Russian-Ukrainian war was for territory! If we have the idea that land is God, what are Russia and Ukraine fighting for? You simply cannot own these lands forever! The main cause of all wars is the greed of leaders!

America is also a greedy country! It's just that the United States does not occupy other people's land, but the United States also controls the resources of other countries! America is not at war like Russia, but America controls the world economy with US dollars! America's battlefield is the economy! The U.S. Dollar Controls Commodities Markets, What Does That Mean? That is, all energy (oil, natural gas, grain, imports and exports need to be traded in US dollars), and the US dollar can directly control the transaction price of these energy and food! Do you think the land is important? Or are food and energy important? Inflation has nothing to do with interest rates at all! Inflation is directly related to the prices of commodities traded! How does the United States use US dollars to control the world economy? Think again: why the world's economies and people all over the world are facing the problem of inflation! Are all countries in the world facing severe inflation?

The Fed raises interest rates, which means the Fed tightens more the US dollar! It is to let more dollars return to the Fed, and the Fed uses high interest rates to push up the exchange rate of the dollar! It's simple! The high US dollar interest rate means that the Fed has a lot of US dollars in its hands, and commodity transactions and food transactions must rely on US dollars, and the Fed is allowing more emerging market countries to exchange more of their national currencies for US dollars! Why are the exchange rates of many countries depreciating all the time? Because the Fed is grabbing the US dollar, there is a problem of supply and demand! The Fed has to hit their target price before they're willing to give you US dollars, and if you don't have US dollars, you can't buy energy and food! It seems that the Fed only raises interest rates, and there is no way to shake inflation! But when we understand that commodity transactions are settled in US dollars, we will understand that the interest rate operation is the main cause of inflation!

Can we curb inflation? Of course we can! But we are too dependent on energy and food, so it is difficult for us to control inflation! We understand the problem of supply and demand, and we know where the weakness of our country is? Energy is something that emerging countries in the world generally need. There is a manufacturing industry, and it must rely on energy to manufacture! In fact, sometimes we are really stupid! We are transforming our industry now! The less dependent we are on energy, the less dependent we are on the US dollar! How to reduce energy dependence? Manufacturing no longer produces a lot of garbage! And stop being controlled by energy! We can go fine manufacturing! There is no need to produce bulk commodities for export, and instead of relying on bulk manufacturing, you only need to support domestic demand! And domestic demand, without exporting, does not need energy to support the industrial chain at all! It has never been a bad choice for transportation to return to the era of carriages! Import and export trade must be profitable, and import and export trade is valuable! Why export if both exports and imports are offset by inflation and currency devaluation? This is weasted labor! That is, the labor force of the people is eaten up by inflation! Therefore, when we restrict exports, we do not need to earn foreign exchange! Rather, we want to make sure that the country is self-sufficient! The country will not go bankrupt and the people will be satisfied! Isn't it rather silly that we're going through a Covid-19 catastrophe and we're also being reaped by energy and food for inflation?